Sun 26 Jan
Sweet succulent Sunday BLONDE SIN-Sation waiting for your call !!! - 33
(Seattle, Seattle, Eastside, Downtown Hotels)
★ Newww ★Trulee ★Sexy ★ - 23
(Seattle, Outcalls 2 u)
Y U M M Y !!!!! YUMMY!!!!!! S U P E R **♥** H O T T - 18 - 18
Y U M M Y !!!!! YUMMY!!!!!! S U P E R **♥** H O T T - 22
(Seattle +++)
This warm kind BLONDE LADY will have you feeling relaxed from the inside out!! - 33
(Seattle, Seattle, Shoreline, Eastside)
How did your team do today? You can still SC0RE with this warm, sweet, gentle BLONDE LADY! - 33
How did your team do, hon? You can still SCORE with this warm sweet BLONDE lady! - 33
(Seattle, Seattle, SeaTac, Shoreline, Eastside)
Sun 12 Jan
Make today & tonite MAGIC with this warm sweet BLONDE lady! - 33
(Seattle, Seattle, Shoreline, SeaTac, Eastside)
Sat 11 Jan
Have a TERRIFIC Tuesday with this warm CLASSY BLONDE LADY! $120 - 33
(Seattle, Seattle. Shoreline, Eastside)
Fri 10 Jan
This warm sweet BLONDE LADY will give you something to be THANKFUL for! - 33
(North Seattle, Seattle)
Make today & tonite TERRIFIC with this CLASSY BLONDE LADY! $12O++! - 33
(Seattle, Seattle / Shoreline / Eastside)
Thu 09 Jan
Mad skills, great attitude, this warm sweet BLONDE LADY's got it all !! $120 - 33
(Seattle, Seattle / Shoreline/ Eastside / Your car)
YUMMY!!! YUMMY!!!!!! -S---- U---- P---- E---- R--H---O----T **♥** ---- - 18 - 18
(Seattle, Seattle all the way to you++)
Wed 08 Jan
Make tonite TERRIFIC with this warm, sweet, classy BLONDE LADY! $120 - 33
(Seattle, Seattle / Shoreline / Eastside/Your car)
Tue 07 Jan
Y U M M Y !!!!! YUMMY!!!!!! -S---- U---- P---- E---- R--H---O------T **♥** ---- - 18 - 18
Make tonite FABULOUS with this warm, sweet, classy blode LADY! - 33
(Seattle, Seattle, Shoreline, Eastside, Your car)
Make Saturday SENSATIONAL with this sweet, petite, lil' BLONDE treat! $14O - 33
(Seattle, Seattle / Eastside / Shoreline)
Have a SUPER sports Sunday with this CLASSY BLONDE LADY! - 33
(Seattle, Seattle, Sno. County, Eastside)
Mon 06 Jan
Y U M M Y !!!!! YUMMY!!!!!! S U P E R **♥** H O T T - 18 - 18
(Seattle, all over washington)
Insanely great skills, great attitude, this warm sweet BLONDE LADY's got it all !! - 33
(Seattle, Seattle / Shoreline /Eastside/ Your car)
Start your holiday off with a B@NG! With this warm, sweet, lil' blonde TREAT! - 33
(Seattle, Seattle, Shoreline, Eastside)
CHOCOLATE!!! FANTASY!!!!!! -S---- U---- P---- E---- R--H---O------T **♥** ---- - 18 - 18
(Seattle, Seattle all the way to your lap++)
Sun 05 Jan
CHOCOLATE!!! FANTASY!!!!!! -S---- U---- P---- E---- R--H---O------T **♥** ---- - 18 - 18
(Seattle, Seattle all the way to you++)
Make tonite FABULOUS with this warm, sweet, classy blonde LADY! - 33
(Seattle, Seattle, Shoreline, Eastside)
Make today & tonite MAGIC with this warm, sweet, friendly BLONDE LADY! - 33
(Seattle, Seattle, SHoreline, Eastside)
Make tonite TERRIFIC with this warm sweet classy BLONDE LADY! $120 - 33
(Seattle, Seattle/Shoreline/Eastside/ Your car)
Sat 04 Jan
Make tonite SENSATIONAL with this sweet, petite, lil' BLONDE TREAT! - 33
(Seattle, Seattle, Shoreline, Eastside)
Fri 03 Jan
Sweet -- Petite -- warm, kind, gentle, friendly lil' BLONDE TREAT! - 33
(Seattle, Seattle, Shoreline, Eastside)
Incredible skills, great attitude, this warm sweet BLONDE's got it goin' on! - 33
(North Seattle, Seattle, Eastside, Shoreline)
Insanely great skills, great attitude, this warm sweet BLONDE LADY's got it all !! $120 - 33
(Seattle, Seattle / Shoreline / Eastside/ Your car)
Make your evening MAGICAL with this warm sweet classy BLONDE LADY! $12O !! - 33
(Seattle, Seattle / Shoreline / Eastside)
Thu 02 Jan
Y U M M Y !!!!! YUMMY!!!!!! S U P E R **♥** H O T T - 18
(Seattle +++)