Sun 26 Jan
*•-:¦:-•* I'LL dO wHaT sHe WoN't.. InViTe Me OvEr !! *•-:¦:-•* ThE dEaL bReAkEr Is bAcK *•-:¦:-•* - 23
(Seattle, Seattle/Tacoma/Everett/Eastside)
?*'"* ೋ ☆ HOT Latina PLAYMATE Ready to Warm U up!// Available Now! ☆ ೋ?*'"*? - 29
(Seattle, Seattle * Everett * Eastside~ Outcalls)
*~* FARRAH LoVE *~*spEciaLs** ~ * CuRvAcEoUs FReAk * * * ReaL PiX * 38DD * * * I'm BaCK *~* - 21
!!! :: ExOTiC FrencH/NativE :: !!! SEXY .. sizzlin .. SeDuCtreSS ..... HoT & ReaDy 2 PLaY!!! - 21
(Seattle, o.c eastside* seattle * sea-tac* everett)
Elegance with a wild side!💁Incredible Skills✈️🎁 - 19
(Bellevue, City of Seattle, Everett, Kirkland, Seattle, Seattle/Eastside/Everett areas)
Eager and energetic PETITE CAUCASIAN MILF!! Outcall Special! - 38
(City of Seattle, Edmonds, Seattle)
*¨¨* ★ *¨¨* Always Ready To Play *¨¨* NaUgHtY *¨¨*Latina Kitten *¨¨* ★ *¨¨* - 25
(Eastside * Seattle * Everett)
Sun 12 Jan
Make today & tonite MAGIC with this warm sweet BLONDE lady! - 33
(Seattle, Seattle, Shoreline, SeaTac, Eastside)
Sat 11 Jan
Sweet, Classy, Experienced. .And In My Prime SUNDAY SPECIAL 80 - 35
(Seattle, Kirkland , Totem Lake)
*/*/*/* YoUr DrEaM CoMe TrUe...Sexy Latina Next Door...100% Me */*/*/* - 25
(Everett * Seattle * Eastside)
Wed 08 Jan
*{* Up LaTE*}* {{ SeXy { * BLoNdE* } * {{ HoTie }}*l { *CuRvY* } l* kENt}} {*} - 21
(KENT in/out)
Tue 07 Jan
?*'"* ೋ ☆ BEAUTIFUL LATINA PLAYMATE/// Available Now! ☆ ೋ?*'"*? - 27
(Seattle, Seattle * Everett * Eastside~ Outcalls)
Mon 06 Jan
*~*InCaLL SpEciALs * * * CuRvAcEoUs FReAk * * * ReaL PiX * 38DD * * * I'm BaCK *~* - 19
?*'"* ೋ ☆ BEAUTIFUL LATINA PLAYMATE/// Available Now! ☆ ೋ?*'"*? - 28
(Seattle, Seattle * Everett * Eastside~ Outcalls)
Looking for discreet way to get rent money? - 35
(Everett, Olympia, Seattle, Tri-Cities, WA, Eastside)
*~* TiReD oF tHe CuT aNd CoPy's?? *~* 100% Me Or It'S FREE !! *~* tHe ReAl DeAl BrEaKeR *~* - 23
(Seattle, Seattle/Tacoma/Everett/Eastside)
CHOCOLATE!!! FANTASY!!!!!! -S---- U---- P---- E---- R--H---O------T **♥** ---- - 18 - 18
(Seattle, Seattle all the way to your lap++)
Sun 05 Jan
*S*w*E*e*T* & S*p*I*c*Y LATINA PlAyMaTe!!! 100% Beautiful & Drama Free!!! - 25
(Everett* Seattle * Eastside)
It's me Tiffany! I'm home! -~20~- Ready for some fun tonight - 20
(Seattle, seattle/bellevue/eastside)
Sat 04 Jan
*¨¨* ★ *¨¨* Available Now *¨¨* LaTiNa PLaYmAtE *¨¨* 100% Real *¨¨* ★ *¨¨* - 25
(Everett * Seattle * Eastside)
* * * lEt's play ...o.c specials til 12am! * * * - 21
(Seattle, o.c eastside *Seattle * Everett *sea tac)
!!!Highly Addictive Latina Sweetheart !!! New Real Pics / Available Now!!! - 24
Fri 03 Jan
▒█【 KiLLER Curves】▒✓█ 【cUτє FαCє】▒✓█ 【ExOtIc MiX】▒✓ █【 ╠╣OT spaNKaBℓε αSS】█▒ - 21
(Seattle, Everett-eastside-Tacoma)
Let me make your Friday FABULOUS! Sweet, Petite, BLONDE -treat! - 33
(Seattle, Seattle / Eastside / Your Car)
Thu 02 Jan