Sun 26 Jan
Treat yourself to an exotic fantasy..outcall specials up all night - 20
(Seattle, Bellevue / seattle outcalls anywhere)
%% I wAnNa PrAcTiCe My SkIllS On YoU .. cAn YoU sLiDe It BeTwEeN ThEsE hOoTeRs?? %% - 25
(Seattle, Burien Incall/Surrounding Area Outcalls)
GF📧 Princess🍸Invite Me Over 🙈💦Extremely skilled 👍Mature Cougar💄Italian Bombshell🍒 - 33
(City of Seattle, Seattle, Seattle Surrounding Area Outcalls/Hotels)
Alexis, SEXY and SaTiSfyINg ;) ...-30 min. $120 incall special - 18
(Seattle, Seattle, Renton, Everett, Bellevue)
Mon 13 Jan
%% LeT uS CoMe PrAcTiCe OuR sKiLLs On YoU tOgEtHeR %% - 22
(Seattle, Tukwila Incall/Surrounding Area Outcalls)
Sun 12 Jan
MiSs JayLa's READY to PLeAsE YOU ** Burnett HoTTie WhO's VeRy StaCkEd ** NaTurAL F's 60 SPL - 25
(Kent Incall/Any where 2 U)
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
You've NEVER seen beauty like this! GUARANTEED Real pics (SExXxY BLOND B*U*N*N*Y) - 20
(Seattle Area (4 Star Hotels Welcome))
Thu 09 Jan
💦🍭 Incalls/OutCalls Everywhere💦🍭 Specials💦🍭CALL NOW 💕💋💕💋 - 23
Tue 07 Jan
LoNg BlOnDe HaIr GrEeN EyEs & A JuIcy BooTie 2 MaTcH My ExOtIc FeAtUrEs! - 22
(kent.auburn.renton.federal way surroundi, Seattle, Shoreline)
♥ KaMiLLe AmOrA!! ]] {ADULT FILM STAR}{ViSiTinG} GOOGLE ME!![PaRtYGiRl] NaTuRaL 36 Double i's - 26
(Seattle, Seatac Incall/Surrounding Area Outcalls)
MiSs JayLa's READY to PLeAsE YOU ** BLonDe HoTTie WhO's VeRy StaCkEd ** NaTurAL F's 60 SPL - 25
(Kent Incall/Any where 2 U)
Mon 06 Jan
LAYLA LOVE is here !!!!! Come experience what youve been missing ;) - 23
(Bellevue, City of Seattle, Everett, Kirkland, Renton, Seattle, SEATTLE INCALL - OUTCALLS, Shoreline, Tukwila)
Sun 05 Jan
*~*InCaLL SpEciALs * * * CuRvAcEoUs FReAk * * * ReaL PiX * 38DD * * * CLiCk HeRe*~* - 19
Sat 04 Jan
Alexis the SEDUCING QuEeN of LOVE waiting for you...-30 min. $100 incall special - 18
(Seattle, Seattle, Renton, Everett, Bellevue)
* 5 ★ HoTTiE ___________ (( 1000% REAL Or IT's FREE )) __________ 5★ HoTTiE - 21
(Seattle, Anywhere you are .. SEATAC INCALL)
100 % Satisfaction! Curvy Brunette.. Lets Play!.. I've already started READY when YOU are!! SPECIALS - 22
(Seattle and surrounding area OUTCALLS)
Fri 03 Jan
100% Satisfaction!! Lets PLAY I can fulfill your freaky Fantasies!! READY when you are!! SPECIALS - 22
(Seattle, Seattle and surrounding area OUTCALLS)
♥ KaMiLLe AmOrA!! ]] {REAL PORNSTAR }{100% ME} GOOGLE ME!![PaRtYGiRl] NaTuRaL 36 Double i's - 26
(Seattle, Everett Incall/Surrounding Area Outcalls)
*¨¨*:. ★ .:*¨¨* MAIN *¨¨*:. ★ .:*¨¨* ATTRACTION *¨¨*:. ★ .:*¨¨* -` - 24
GoRgEoUs Is HeRe!ExOtIc GrEeN EyEs,HoUr GlAsS ShApEWiTh A JuiiCyBoOtIe!!! - 21
(Seattle, King County Surrounding Area Outcalls)
Thu 02 Jan
♥ KaMiLLe AmOrA!! ]] { REAL PORNSTAR} [[ 100 sPeCiAls ]] As Seen On SCORELAND!!} { NaTuRaL 36-ii's - 25
(Seattle, Seatac Incall/ Surrounding Area Outcalls)