Sun 26 Jan
💋💜 $1OO SpEcIaLs ❤.•* BIG B✪✪TY *•.❤* ▒▓♥•♥•♥• SEXXII ★BLONDE •♥•♥•♥ $160 Duos ! 💋💜 - 26
(Skagit County, Burlington Incalls/Outcalls everywhere)
*****_-_Yummy Tasty Tiny 5ft Super Sexy Bubble Butt Redhead Girl!!!!! _-_-_******* - 20
(In call Outcall/Anywhere)
♥ Tired of the games? Experience matters! Special 180hr TODAY! ♥ - 46
(Seattle, Ballard - Incall/Outcall available)
Thick Sexxy BBW Outcall ONLY 80QV/120HH/180HR - 23
(Burien, City of Seattle, Olympia, Renton, Seattle, Tacoma, Tacoma Area, Tukwila)
Tiny In Shape Curvy Bubble Butt Perfect Tits Sweet Petite And 5ft Stick of Dynamite!!! - 20
(In call Outcall/Anywhere)
SoMe LiKe It WaRm.....SoMe LiKE It CoLd.......I LiKe hOt So PuT iT iN mY !!!!!!!! - 20
*´¯`·.· ★ ·.·´¯`* Hot* Sexy* Thick* Brunette *´¯`·.· ★ ·.·´¯`* ( $120 Outcall Specials ) - 24
(Outcalls everywhere)
♥--> Are YOU addicted t00 THICKNESS? ----> . *SmAll wAiST*, Pretty FaCe & LoTsA BOOTY - 22
🎀💝🎀 AmErIcAn SwEETHeaRT🎀💝🎀 eXotic Body on boDy GLiDE👄👅 UpScaLe pEtiTe💖 - 30
(Renton, RENTON Highlands, Seattle)
Sat 11 Jan
Sexy MONA💋 -/ 40- D-BUSTY 📌 Hazeleyes SEXY European MONA /- OUTCALL ONLY☎️💯👅 - 30
(City of Seattle, Redmond,Auburn,Normady Park,Bellevue, Seattle)
Beautifull Green Eyes * Silky smooth Tan Skin * Petite Brunette * school girl attitude ~ ~ - 18
(incall/outcall Kent/Renton/Sea tac)
♥ Tired of the games? Experience matters! Special TODAY! ♥ - 46
(Seattle, Fremont - Incall/Outcall available)
CuRvY **BUbbLE BuTT** PetitE** ))SweET(( REdHeaD TREat!! !! - 20
(Seattle, In call Outcall/Anywhere)
Fri 10 Jan
SoMe LiKe It WaRm.....SoMe LiKE It CoLd.......I LiKe hOt So PuT iT iN mY HoLe!!!!!!!! - 20
TACOMA: VIP Treatment:This Naughty Freakin BlOND Hottie & Critical Bill ( Knows What You Want)
~**~ SweeT AnD SuLTrY BrUnEttE BeAuTy WaNTs To PLaY WiTh YoU !! ~**~ SPiNnEr TyPe MoDeL ~**~ - 25
(Incall/ outcall)
💜💓 Come Spank these BUNS💜💓 💋 Fetish FRIENDLY ✔ Blonde Fetish Freak💚 Ready Now - 23
(Seattle, Fife federal way tacoma in out)
Thu 09 Jan
Lying Here Pleasuring Myself Waiting on Your Call***Divine Indulgence with Sonya - 28
(Central District)
Wed 08 Jan
short little brown asian bunny here to please. come play with me im lonely!!! - 25
(Seattle, Kent.Seatac.Seattle.Renton.Bellevue)
Tue 07 Jan
80 -:¦:-SeXy & ADoRABLe -:¦:- UnBeAtAbLe SKiLLS-:¦:- EdMONds INCall -:¦:- 80 - 25
🔥💓🔥💓--BREMERTON--👭ATF kaylee🔥 😈👀---- PERKY DD's----🙋🏼💁🏼 BLONDE PLAYMATE 👄👅💦 available ALL NIGHT 🌙✨🔥🔥🔥 - 26
(Bremerton silverdale bainbridge port orc, Tacoma)
♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄☆•_T H €_P € R F € C T_ •☆•_C H O i C € ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥Let Me FULLFILL YouR FANTASIES! ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ - 20
(Seattle, your place or mine)
Mon 06 Jan
Classy & Sexy- For Upscale Gentlemen- Full Body Rub Down- ALL-American Girl! - 23
(Renton, Eastside & Seattle Outcall)
((((( (( $120 Outcall)) ((( ___ sMoKin' *HoT* BrUnEttE __ )) ))) (( $120 Outcall )) ))))) - 24
(seattle and surrounding cities)
♥ Tired of the games? Experience matters! Special 150hr TODAY! ♥ - 46
(Seattle, Ballard - Incall/Outcall available)
*¨* ☆ -*¨* LoVe ThE SNOW? WeLL CoMe See ThiS SeXY sNOwBuNnY *¨* ☆ -*¨* - 21
Sun 05 Jan
Hoodoo that Voodoo that I DO!? Your FAV Red, Laci Rose is Back in town 4 anutha 'round! - 37
(Spokane, AnyWhere You WANT me)
Sat 04 Jan
**(( WelL RevIEWed))**(( cURvY iTaLiaN HoTTiE ))**(( bIg TiTTiEd FrEaK))** - 21
(Seattle, OUTCALLS TO ALL AREAD 120/170)
_ ::-:: Juicy PetiTe ReDhead 5ft Tiny iN ShaPe peRFeCt BuBBle And pErkY ::-:: _ IN/OUT - 20
(Seattle, IN-OUT)
🌞StArT Ur DaY⛅ W/ A BaNg🌠💞SeXy BrUneTTe ReAdY & WaiTinG 2 SaTisFy😘 425💕441💓6734 - 27
(City of Seattle, EdmondsBellevueEverettSeattleLynnwood, Everett, Seattle)
💕💕💕💎 ♛ GoRGeOUs BRuNeTtE PrINceSs ♛💎 💕💕💕 💎 WiiLL LeAVe YOU SPeeCHLeSS 💎 💕💕💕 💋UPSCALE - 24
(Seattle, Downtown Seattle In outcall all over)
Fri 03 Jan
_ ::-:: NaTuRaL ReDhead 5ft FiRe!!iN ShaPe peRFeCt BuBBle And pErkY ::-:: _ IN/OUT - 20
(Seattle, IN-OUT)
You have seen the rest Now Experience ● SoCal BeAuTy *SPECIALS* - 24
(Seattle, Tukwila/ Seatac in/Outcall all over)
♥ LOOK WHO'S BACK IN North SeAttLe* ChEcK OuT My HoT BootY ShAkEn PorN ViDeO! & PICS♥! - 24
(♥ North Seattle Incall ♥)
Tanalizing Beauty * Sexy Lacey is READY to PLAY * Incall & Outcall Special* THICK BLONDE *Avaliable* - 25
(Seattle, Renton Incalls & Outcalls everywhere)
SiMpLy InToXiCaTiNg! *¨¨*-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P __ & _ T__a__K__e _ A _ L__o_O_k. *¨¨*-:¦:- - 24
Thu 02 Jan