Sun 26 Jan
Ts josilyn new in town 25 C@M spcl FOR APPOINTMENTS! - 22
(Bellevue, Burien, City of Seattle, incall/out, Kirkland, Olympia, Renton, Seattle, Shoreline, Tacoma, Tukwila)
If YoU LiKe CuRvEs... ThEn YoU WiLL LoVe To RiDe On ThEsE!! {*BLoNdE*} - 21
(downtown seattle in/out)
♥--> Are YOU addicted t00 THICKNESS? ----> . *SmAll wAiST*, Pretty FaCe & LoTsA BOOTY - 22
Fri 10 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Please help me start over. Looking to move to Seattle in September single mom w kid - 40
(Seattle, email for location pls)
★.•:SweetSeduction 💋💋 Specials TACOMA ⎝ Busty Blonde Ciarra Mist Private Incall - 35
(Tacoma, Tacoma💕💓💋💕city center Private Incall)
Mon 06 Jan
•°• B e A u T i F u L °•° E b O n Y •°• p L a Y m A t E°•° - 23
(Seattle, Seattle i/c- o/c all over)
Sat 04 Jan
2 GirL SpEciAL * PiCk & ChOoSe ((100)) WOW!! * VeRy STacKed W/ PhAt AZz to MatCh - 25
(Kent, Renton, Seattle, Kirkland,)
Fri 03 Jan