Sun 26 Jan
[×°x°×SuPeR NauGHTY-×°x°×] SuPeR SEXy [×°x°×JUiCY ASS×° x°×] BLONDE* ** *NYMPHO!! - 19
💖 Upscale Bellevue INcall🌟🔷🌟 OutcaLLs Available🌟🔷🌟 💖💖💖 Super Tight ❤ HighLy REVIEWED ( EXOTIC) - 25
(Bellevue, Bellevue incalls /Outcalls everywhere, Seattle)
💖 Upscale DT Bellevue INcall🌟🔷🌟 OutcaLLs Available🌟🔷🌟 💖💖💖 Super Tight ❤ HighLy REVIEWED ( EXOTIC) - 25
(Bellevue, Bellevue incalls /Outcalls everywhere, Seattle)
• ★ UnRuShEd •★•BiG BoOtY BlOnDe !! ReAdY 4 YoU!! •★•Specials!!! 100% ME - 25
(outcalls everywhere/incalls, Seattle)
█▄ ToE CuRLiNg SpeCiaL $100Hr ▄█ Outcalls To Everywhere & Incalls in Bothell - 25
(Seattle, Outcalls available & Incalls in Bothell)
I'm a Fun and sexy Brunette with everything you need and Want....And my legs are ssssoooo Long! - 21
~ I'm A VeRy KiNkY GiRl.. ThE KiNd YoU DoNt TaKe hOmE To MoThEr ~ - 26
(Seattle, Renton incalls / outcalls everywhere)
*¨¨* HoLiDaY *¨¨* SPECIALS *¨¨* SEXY BRUNETTE * $12O SPECIALS*¨¨* - 25
(Seattle, N. Seattle Incalls /Outcalls Everywhere)
*~* FuLL-FiGuReD BeAuTy ~ In/OuT/TuBs ~ BuSTy BRuNeTTe ~ AvAiLaBLe SPeCiALs 24/7 ~ CLiCK HeRe *~* - 22
(In/Renton - Tubs/FedWay - Out/2You)
80 Sunday Special!!! HABLO ESPANOL ~Reviewed Provider~ Blonde, busty, Beautiful, and BOOTY !!! - 24
(Seattle, IN KENT~Bvue/Kirk/SeaTac/Everett/Edmonds)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
.•*¨¨*•- :¦:-•* A:L:L N:A:T:U:R:A:L *•-: ¦ :-•*¨¨*•. SWEET*•-: ¦ :-•*¨¨*• & SEXY !! - - MISS AUBREY* - 23
Fri 10 Jan
°M_A_ d_E_ o★o° F_O_R_ °o★o° Y_O_ U_ R_ °o★o° P_ L_ E_ A_ S_ U_ R _E °o - 22
(Seattle, Seatac Incall/Outcalls south king county)
Thu 09 Jan
¨¨*-:¦:-•*Mina Rose¨*-:¦:-•* ItS PLeaSuRe At ITs BEST ¨¨*-:¦:-•* - 19
(Seattle, Seattle incall... outcalls everywhere..)
✨E✖ΘTiC ❥ New N ToWn CubAn/HaiTiAn 💗 BIG bOObs❥ ❥💎👑THICK {{DOLL}} CΘM€❥ PLA¥❥ WiTH❥M€❥ N o w !!❤ - 23
(Seattle, Shoreline I/C)
Blondes Do It Better ♡♡♡♡ Incalls And Outcalls ♡♡♡ $90 Incalls ♡♡♡ Specials All Night ♡♡♡ Duos - 27
(Everett, Everett incalls/Outcalls everywhere)
Wed 08 Jan
Up Late Blonde Goddess Mercedes 💕 OUTCALL Specials! - 23
(City of Seattle, Outcalls Everywhere Incalls In Lynnwood, Seattle)
Tue 07 Jan
☆★☆ EXOTIC ♡ LATINA ☆ ★ ☆ INCALLS + OUTCALLS ☆★☆ Five Star Service ☆★☆ Ready Now - 23
╫╬◆╬╫███ # ❶BOMBSHELL ██▒▒▒██ EASTSIDE █▒█✮B€ÅUTiFUL ██╪╪██ ✖╠REaDY NoW✖ ██╫╬◆╬╫██ - 23
(Seattle, BELLEVUE incalls & outcalls everywhere)
★♥ sTeP iNtO PaRaDiSe ★♥ WiTh eXoTic 6'1 KaLa GaTeS ★♥ $100$hR iNCaLL & OuTCaLL SPeCiaLs - 23
(((( CHECK ME OUT ))) real girl to you HOT HOT HOT HOT hot hot hot hot hot hot hot - 21
*-:^:-•* CaNdY GiRL, SoO SwEeT, SoO CrEaMy *-:^:-* pLeAsUe At ItS BeSt*-:^:-* - 21
(Seattle, Tukwila incalls outcalls everywhere)
Mon 06 Jan
Beautiful Brunette Bombshell (((★LAST NIGHT HERE★))) Busty Japanese Sparkle* - 21
(Seattle, Seattle Incalls/Outcalls Everywhere!)
sPeCiAlS !! VENEZUALAN ViXeN ______________ LOW rates. Sexy Sweet - 20
(Seattle, INCALLS Seatac - OUTCALLS Everywhere)
Special Special~~* Sexy Korean, Asian Perfection *~~Special Special - 22
(Seattle, incalls S. seattle/outcalls everywhere)
💖💖💖 In & Outcalls 🌟🔷🌟 YouR SeNsuaL GoDDeSS 🌟🔷🌟 💖💖💖 Naughty ❤ HighLy REVIEWED - 25
(Bellevue, Bellevue incalls /Outcalls everywhere, Seattle)
Sun 05 Jan
Introducing [*Brand New*] Extra Sexy Busty Japanese Hottie **- ->[Visiting]
(Seattle, Kent Incalls/Outcalls Everywhere!)
Hey Babes 💋💋💋Outcalls Everywhere Only & Incalls Bellevue ❤💋❤💋❤ - 22
💋Вєттєя💦 Wetter💦 Tighter// 5✯✯✯✯✯ BBW 💋 H℮R℮ 2βℓΟω γΟυr mind💖 IN/OUT👅💋 - 25
(City of Seattle, Northgate Incalls & Outcalls everywhere, Seattle)
Sat 04 Jan
★ █ INCALL & OUTCALL Specials █★ - 21
(Seattle, Federal way Incalls//Outcalls everywhere)
*.°K!nKyy SpeciaL's ((HOT)) SEXY ((JAYLA)) Lets Play!! Opn M!Ndd* - 21
(Seattle, Seatac Incalls/Outcalls)
Fri 03 Jan
BAD GIRL♡ Young ♡ ☆24/7☆ ♡SEXY♡ Talented 70 special - 18
(Seattle, SeattleTacoma/FedWay/Auburn/Lacey/Harbo)
BRaNd NEW PiCS fReaKy fRiDaYS WiT KALA da BaDDeSt iNCaLL/OuTCaLL SPeCiaLs $100hr ToNiGhT OnLy - 23
Tanalizing Beauty * Sexy Lacey is READY to PLAY * Incall & Outcall Special* THICK BLONDE *Avaliable* - 25
(Seattle, Renton Incalls & Outcalls everywhere)
★ SuPeRBoWL WeEkeND KiCkOfF★ CoMe ChEeR yOuR tEaM tO ViCToRy★iNCaLL SPeCiaLs★ OuTCaLLs EveRyWheRe ★ - 23
Thu 02 Jan