Sun 26 Jan
RARE ONE OF A KIND PLAYMATE THEY SAY A PIC IS Worth A Thousand Words [Click Here for Special]100%Fun - 22
(Seattle, OUTCALL-special special)
•*'"*• ❤70 *Su casa SpEcIaL•°*❤*°• beAutiFuL BlOnDe* BeAuTy•°*❤*°• Hablo poquito Espanol❤•*'"•70 - 25
(Seattle, outcall only~ su casa)
BuStY ** BeAuTiFuL ** BoMbShElL ** OuTcAlL SPECIALS!! ExOtIc GrEen EyEz!! Let ME *CoMe* 2 YOU!! - 21
:-) Ya Wanna? :-) Amazing, Addictive Mouth! Seductive Blue Eyes and Smile! Charm and Wit!! 50Spcl - 31
(Seattle, SEATAC IN or Area Outcall/Hotel Friendly)
GF📧 Princess🍸Invite Me Over 🙈💦Extremely skilled 👍Mature Cougar💄Italian Bombshell🍒 - 33
(City of Seattle, Seattle, Seattle Surrounding Area Outcalls/Hotels)
EvErYtHiNg YoUr LoOkInG FoR Is IN ME! NO UpSeLlInG NO RuShInG AlWaYs PrOmPt & DiScReEt! - 21
(Seattle, Tukwila Incall/Outcall/Hotel Friendly)
Sat 11 Jan
💘💘💘💘 24/7 OUTCALL ASIAN STUDENTS💘💘💘💘 Finest WOW Services! New & Young! Fast Arrival & OpenMind 💘💘💘💘 - 20
(City of Seattle, SEATAC , FIFE & ANYWHERE OUTCALL 💘💘💘💘💘💘, Seattle, Tukwila)
~~~**Early Morning Special ~~~** New Ebony ! ;-*$(outcall only) waiting on u:) - 20
(Seattle, seattle to tacoma (Outcall only))
Fri 10 Jan
50 Special -- SnEaK:* *:A:**: WaY:* : &:**: CoMe :* :Play* WiTh* Me:** - 31
(Seattle, SEATAC IN or Area Outcall/Hotel Friendly)
•[•★•] 38 DD'z •[•★•] SpAnKable JuiCy BooTy •[•★•] 100 OUTCALL SPECIAL - 26
(Seattle, Outcall All Over/Hotel Friendly!)
Sweet Sexy Beautiful Classy Mature Busty and a Booty Single waiting to play with YOU!! Great Rates! - 28
(outcalls All areas!)
°*HOT SPeCiaLs*°{ {:100:} }°*&*° tEMtiNG °*{ {:EXOtiC:} }*° AsiAN °*&*° { {:100:} }°*NeW PiCs*° - 22
**Let ME Make YOU Feel GOOD *INSIDE* & Out•CALL NOW & I Can Be Touching YOU In ** ** - 19
(Seattle, Outcall/Hotel Friendly)
Thu 09 Jan
LoOK •••► $€x¥ B00t¡Lici0us BuSty ExOtiC p|@¥m@T€ 1OO Special - 27
(Seattle, Outcall anywhere/Hotel friendly!)
•°•° Everything You Need Is IN ME!! Let ME Be Your For The Night °•°• - 21
YUMMY!!! YUMMY!!!!!! -S---- U---- P---- E---- R--H---O----T **♥** ---- - 18 - 18
(Seattle, Seattle all the way to you++)
Wed 08 Jan
Exquisite Attention to Details, Amazin, this Single Mom would love to seduce u! 60Special! - 31
(Seattle, SEATAC IN or Area Outcall/Hotel Friendly)
Exotic ---------- Stunning ----------- Asian Girls ----------- Call 425 ---- 445 ---- 4172 (in/out) - 22
(Seattle, Seattle, Renton,Bellevue,Everett,Tacoma)
Thick Blk Chick* Ask 4 REVIEWS* $80 & $100 OUTcall Special* Tattoos 100% ME* Private Incall - 28
(Seattle, My SeaTac home or Yours)
Tue 07 Jan
•☆ • JuiCy BounCy BoOty• N!Ce RaCk ☆ • 1OO OutCall SpeCials •☆ •• ☆ • - 26
(Seattle, Outcall All Over ♥Hotel Friendly!)
LoOK •••► $€x¥ B00t¡Lici0us BuSty ExOtiC p|@¥m@T€ +1OO Special - 26
(Seattle, Outcall All Over/Hotel Friendly!)
[★] 38 DD'z [★] SpAnKable JuiCy BooTy [★] 100 OUTCALL SPECIAL - 25
(Seattle, Outcall All Over/Hotel Friendly!)
Mon 06 Jan
💯🔥💋New Exotic & Sexy Girl Next Door . Best Young Sinfully Sweet Bombshell You'll Meet🍬🍭😈 - 19
(Tri-Cities, WA, Tri City's/Kennewick)
Sweet Juicy Spot Just 4 u! Amazing Skills! Addictive Booty & (L)ips! 50/75/120 Special - 31
(Seattle, SEATAC IN or Area Outcall/Hotel Friendly)
💕👍 Succulent B😜😜Bies 👈 Juicy BOoty 👈 1OO Special 👍 💕 - 27
(Seattle, Outcall all over -Hotel friendly !)
:* ☆ ¨*: {COME} :*★¨*: {FEEL}: *¨☆*: {REAL} :*★¨*: {FULL G.F.E!} - 24
(Inn & Out Hotels 2)
☀ =K¡Nk¥ =XOT¡C =B¡G BOØ¥ =BAUT¥ (( $79 SPC¡ÅL§ )) ☀ - 25
(Seattle, Outcall All Areas/hotel friendly)
[§K¡LL§ That W¡LL AmAZ€ U × 1OO Special× ULTiMaTE BiG BOoTY BUStY BEaUtY» - 27
(Seattle, OUTCALL All Over 👠 Hotel Friendly!)
*¨* ☆ -*¨* LoVe ThE SNOW? WeLL CoMe See ThiS SeXY sNOwBuNnY *¨* ☆ -*¨* - 21
[§K¡LL§ That W¡LL AmAZ€ U] ×100 Special× ULTiMaTE BiG BOoTY BUStY BEaUtY» - 26
(Seattle, Outcall All areas/Hotel Friendly!)
Exquisite Attention to Details, Amazin Mouth, this Single Mom has YOUR lunch handled! 60Special! - 31
(Seattle, SEATAC IN or Area Outcall/Hotel Friendly)
Classy -------------- Busty ---------- Asian Girls ----------- Call 425 ---- 445 ---- 4172 (IN/OUT) - 22
(Tacoma, Seattle,Renton,Bellevue,Everett,Shorelin)
CHOCOLATE!!! FANTASY!!!!!! -S---- U---- P---- E---- R--H---O------T **♥** ---- - 18 - 18
(Seattle, Seattle all the way to your lap++)
Sun 05 Jan
▄ :: █ ☆█ ▄ DD B✪✪Bies __BIG BOUNCY B✪✪TY ▄ :: █ ☆█ ▄ 1OO SPECIAL ▄ :: █ ☆█ - 26
(Seattle, OUTCALL 2 U ★ Hotel Friendly!)
► CLick =hErE ► °• BuStY °•BuBBle BooTy•° ExOtiC BeAuTy •► 1OO Specials► ) - 27
(Seattle, OUTCALL Only/Hotel Friendly!)
CHOCOLATE!!! FANTASY!!!!!! -S---- U---- P---- E---- R--H---O------T **♥** ---- - 18 - 18
(Seattle, Seattle all the way to you++)
♥ 💎📞💎€xotic S€X Kitten ♥ 💎📞💎BiG Round Booty♥1OO SpeCial💎
(Seattle, OUTCALL all Over ←Hotel friendly!)
______ HoT mouTHwaTeriNg PleAsURe ____ Let ME Please YOU Inside && OUT!! ___ College HoTTie!____ - 21
Sunday Fun *Slip In For Some Summer Fun! * Leave with A Grin ... Addictive Skills! .. 60/80/135 - 31
(Seattle, SEATAC IN or Area Outcall/Hotel Friendly)
-*-** MouThWatErinG ExoTic GodDesS ~ Sweet *InSiDe & OuT* ~ UPSCALE *5* BuSTy BeaUty **-* - 21
(Seattle, Outcall SPECIALS/Upscale Hotel Friendly)
Sat 04 Jan
☆ JuiCy BounCy BoOty N!Ce RaCk ☆ 100 OutCall SpeCials ☆ ☆ - 25
(Seattle, Outcall All Over/Hotel Friendly!)
▄ :: █ ☆█ ▄ DD B✪✪Bies __BIG BOUNCY B✪✪TY ▄ :: █ ☆█ ▄ 79 SPECIAL ▄ :: █ ☆█ - 27
(Seattle, KENT Incall 🏡Outcall all over!)
!*!* I Wanna Make You Feel Good INSIDE & OUT! Outcall SPECIALS 160/HR *!*! - 21
(Seattle, Outcall/Incall/Hotel Friendly)
______ HoT mouTHwaTeriNg PleAsURe ____ Let ME Please YOU Inside && OUT!! ___ College HoTTie!____ - 21
Fri 03 Jan
💯Specials💋💦Super Sweet & Always Discreet⚡️Sexy⚡️Young ⚡️Addictive Exotic Mix⚡️Upscale Bombshell💦💋 - 19
(Spokane, Spokanes incall/Outcall YourPlace)
Sweet Sexy Blue Eyes... Perfect Natural D's ... Great Butt ... Addictive (L)ips 50/75/130 - 31
(Seattle, SEATAC IN or Area Outcall/Hotel Friendly)
•☆ • JuiCy BounCy BoOty• N!Ce RaCk ☆ • 1OO SpeCials •☆ •• ☆ • - 26
(Seattle, Outcall All Over ☆ Hotel Friendly!)
Coco💋💋💋 MAGIC MOUTH SPECIAL💦💦💦 OUT calls And IN calls✨✨✨ - 22
(Bellevue, Downtown Incall Seattle Airport Bellevue, Seattle)
【1OO SpєCiαL】✓【Sexy & ExOtic】✓【huGє bѺѺb's】 ✓【spaNKaBℓε αSS】 - 27
(Seattle, Outcall 2 U ◆ Hotel friendly!)
* * DoNt FiGhT ThE TeMpTaTiOn * BeAuTiFuL SeXy iTaLiAn BrUnEtTe WaitiNg 4 YoU * OuTcAll SpEcIal * * - 26
(Seattle, Seattle/Everett/Lynwood/Shoreline/Tacoma)
☆ JuiCy BounCy BoOty N!Ce RaCk ☆ 100 OutCall SpeCials ☆ ☆ - 26
(Seattle, Outcall All Over/Hotel Friendly!)
•☆ • JuiCy BounCy BoOty• N!Ce RaCk ☆ • 1OO SpeCials •☆ •• ☆ • - 27
(Seattle, Outcall all over ♡Hotel friendly/)
▄ :: █ ☆█ ▄ DD B✪✪Bies __BIG BOUNCY B✪✪TY ▄ :: █ ☆█ ▄ 79 SPECIAL ▄ :: █ ☆█ - 27
(Everett, South Everett Incall ●Outcall All Over¡)
[§K¡LL§ That W¡LL AmAZ€ U] ×1OOSpecial× ULTiMaTE BiG BOoTY BUStY BEaUtY» - 26
(Seattle, Outcall Anywhere ♥Hotel Friendly!)
★ ( AvA¡LaBL€ NOW) ★BuSty BuBBle BOOty ExOtiC BeAuTY ★ 100 SpeCial★ - 27
(Seattle, Outcall All Over♡Hotel/friendly!)
Thu 02 Jan
♥ 💎📞💎€xotic S€X Kitten ♥ 💎📞💎BiG Round Booty♥ $1OO SpeCial💎 - 27
(Seattle, OUTCALL ALL OVER 💥 Hotel friendly!)
•☆ • JuiCy BounCy BoOty• N!Ce RaCk ☆ • 1OO SpeCials •☆ •• ☆ • - 27
(Seattle, Outcall All Over ☆ Hotel Friendly!)