Sun 26 Jan
*WANT TO PLAY* **24/7 24/7 24/7 24/7 24/7 ** (206)797-3316* Haley In & out calls $ 100 special - 24
(Seattle, Downtown Seattle and surrounding areas)
TwO SeXy GiRlS...ONE AMAZING TIME!!! come for one GrEaT RIDE - 18
(Seattle, downtown and all surrounding areas)
Hot Juicii & T I G H T⇨ ♔ the PRiNCESS from INDIA is in T0WN & i WiLL LEAVE Y0U G0iNG W0W ♔ - 20
(Seattle, Downtown Seattle IC & Surrounding Areas)
______ HOT ITALIAN ______ 36 DD _____ _____ BLONDE HOTTIE ______ BRAND NEW PICS _______ - 19
Alexis, SEXY and SaTiSfyINg ;) ...-30 min. $90 special!!!! - 18
(Seattle, downtown and all surrounding areas)
Alexis, SEXY and SaTiSfyINg ;) ...-30 min. $100 special!!!! - 18
(Seattle, downtown and all surrounding areas)
Sat 11 Jan
%%%SuPeR HoT BlOnDe%%% ThE UlTiMaTe ChOiCe FoR YoUr SaTiSfAcTiOn $80HaLf/120FuLl - 19
(Seattle, Downtown Seattle IC/OC Surrounding Areas)
Fri 10 Jan
♥️💋 Exotic Mixed Beauty 💟 Satisfaction Guaranteed ✔️ Your New Favorite Upscale Provider 💋♥️ - 24
(Seattle, Downtown Bellevue & Surrounding Areas)
Thu 09 Jan
%%%SuPeR HoT BlOnDe%%% ThE UlTiMaTe ChOiCe FoR YoUr SaTiSfAcTiOn $100HaLf/140FuLl - 19
(Seattle, Downtown Seattle IC/OC Surrounding Areas)
Wed 08 Jan
💞💖💞Come Take A Trip To Fiji💋✨💋Sexy Hindu Goddess💞💖💞WELL REVIEWED - 23
(Seattle, Downtown Seattle And Surrounding Areas)
Tue 07 Jan
______ HOT ITALIAN ______ 36 DD _____ GFE ______ SPECIALS ______ DUOS AVAILABLE _______ - - 18
(Bellevue IN/OUT)
Mon 06 Jan
$100 EXOTIC :::: pornstar :::: C A R A M E L :::: c o m p l e x i o n :::: waiting for you :: - 23
(Seattle, Downtown Seattle & surrounding areas)
💞💖💞Come Take A Trip To Fiji💋✨💋Sexy Hindu Goddess💞💖💞 - 23
(Seattle, Downtown Seattle And Surrounding Areas)
~~Last Night In Seattle~~Don't Miss Out On Experiencing Pure Extacy~~ - 27
(Seattle, downtown seattle and surrounding areas)
***BlOnDe CuTiE*** LoOk No FuRtHeR!!! BeSt TiMe,BeSt GiRl,BeSt SeRvIcE $80hh/$120fh - 19
(Seattle, Downtown Seattle IC/OC Surrounding Areas)
🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴 PETITE EXOTIC 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 BOMBSHELL 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 - 22
(City of Seattle, Downtown Seattle and Surrounding areas, Seattle)
cOME ENjOY My spECiAls..cARMEL EXOtic .! :) ~:~ - 19
(Seattle, downtown seattle..surrounding areas.)
Sun 05 Jan
👑uLTiMaTe PLeaSuRe PRoViDeR LaST NigHT iNToWN HuRRy b4 iM GoNe - 24
(Tacoma, 206👑578👑6283 IN&OUT; CALLS)
💎💗💎Super Sexy Hawaiian💥 Bombshell 💎Friday Night Specials!!!!!💓💎 - 21
(Seattle, Downtown Bellevue & Surrounding Areas)
Sat 04 Jan