Sun 26 Jan
4'11💜 36DD💗 tïtts💛 booty💕 ✯Forget✰ The ✫Rest ✩CALL✯The ✪ BEST❣✬100% Satisfaction★ In or⋙Out 2grl - 31
(Tacoma, Tacoma Lakewood spanaway fed way)
4'11💜 36DD💗 tïtts💛 booty💕 ✯Forget✰ The ✫Rest ✩CALL✯The ✪ BEST❣✬100% Satisfaction★ In or⋙Outcall - 31
(Tacoma, in:Tacoma out:Lakewood U.P Olympia)
❤❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ TOP RATED ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ BOMB SHELL ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ X RATED FUN❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ 100% REAL ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ - 19
(Olympia, tumwater/olympia in/out)
The ULTIMATE girl N E X X X T DOOR. *~120 INCALL SPECIAL~* Real & Recent Pics! Cant Wait :D - 22
(Federal Way Incall & Outcalls All Over)
In town for the weekend and Shasta will satisfy you - 23
(Seattle, Seattle, Renton, Everett, Bellevue)
:*:I AM {{SEXY}} AbOvE __&__ BeYoNd ThE ReSt {{BRUNETTE}} ThE ONLY One U WiLL NeVeR FoRgEt:*: - 25 - 22
(Port Orchard, Tacoma and surrounding area's)
ALL NATURAL➖➖➖➖➖➖ ➖➖➖➖➖➖ ➖➖➖➖➖➖ 🙋🏻🙋🏻🙋🏻🙋🏻 ➖➖➖➖➖ ➖➖➖➖➖➖ ➖➖➖➖ INCALLS/OUTCALLS - 22
(City of Seattle, Olympia, Outcalls Incall Bremerton, Seattle, Tacoma)
>>> I'M NoT FlinTStone BuT I CaN MaKE YoUR RoCk !!! >>> - 23
(Seattle, Outcalls everywhere/ S everett incall)
80 INCALL Special💫💟👙Spinner Lovers #1 Choice👙💟💫💋Beautiful MiXxEd DolL👸 SUPER freak 💦💦 - 22
(Seattle, Bellevue Redmond Seattle)
Sat 11 Jan
♥★ TaStE JuSt LiKe CaNdY ♥★ YoU WiLL L♥VE tHe aFteRtaSte ♥★ OuTCaLLs EveRyWheRe aVaiLaBLe 24/7 - 23
Thu 09 Jan
*eXperience eXcstasy W/Enticing Enchantess* HH-Specials* 206~473~7664 - 26
(Seattle, SEA/Seatac/Tukwila/Renton/Kent AREAS)
♥ ♥ If I WaS YoUr HoMeWoRk YoU WoUlD Do Me EvErYDaY ♥ ♥ - 23
(Seattle, Outcalls everywhere/ S everett incall)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
★:¦:D EFINITI ON == °*OF*°== SEXY == - -:¦: E x o t i c - 21
(Seattle, Outcalls only)
TaNtaLiZiNg TueSDaYs SPeCiaLs OuTCaLL SPeCiaLs $75/hhr & $135/hr - 23
★ … BLONDE… BOMBSHELL … ★… HotT BARBiE …PARTY GiRL ★ BuSTY DD'z—4—2O ~ friendly *Great Specials* - 21
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
NAUGHTY BUT NICE ████ Sweetest girl you will ever Meet ███████ I/C and O/C!!!! ████ LATE NIGHT ██ - 22
(Seattle, Downtown Seattle Bellevue Outcall 425.)
_______ _______ °*NEW*° ______ ______ °**° _______ ________ °*NEW*° _______ ______ - 30
(Seattle, Downtown Renton or wherever you are!!)
★ BE MY TaRZaN★ oF ThE JuNgLe ★ ReSCuE & CoNqUeR ME ★ OuTCaLLs EVeRyWHeRe UP24/7 - 23
|.L0VE mY JOb === $UPER FREAK¥ == ( BLONDE DD's ) == === PARTYING ??? ==={{CLiCK HERE] - 21
(Seattle, 2 u N 3Omin*(((25O-2HRS)))*LETS PARTY*)
★ ••••••• ★ ••••••• VERONICA SWEETS LEAVING TODAY••••••• ★ DONT MISS ME ••••••• ★ - 21
(Seattle, UPScale seatac/airport)
Sat 04 Jan
☆ ❝ClAsSy❞ CuRvY☆ ❝SeXy❞ ☆❝SeDuCtIvE❞☆ ❝AlL In OnE❞☆❝ SeNsUaLlY SwEeT❞☆ ❝PaCkAgE❞☆ - 27
(Seattle, Tacoma Incall Outcall/ Surrounding Areas)
★ L(☻) (☻)K ♥ ===► ★ BRuNeTTe HoTTiE ★ NeW★ - 30
(Seattle, Dt. Bellevue or to wherever u are!)
—I—(♥) —W—A—N —T—(♥) —T—O (♥) B—E——(♥) Y—O—U—R (♥) —F—A—V—O—R—I T—E (♥) - 19
(Everett, AVAilAblE NOW 💋)
Fri 03 Jan
4'11💜 36DD💗 tïtts💛 booty💕 ✯Forget✰ The ✫Rest ✩CALL✯The ✪ BEST❣✬100% Satisfaction★ In or⋙Outcall - 31
(Tacoma, in:tacoma out:Lakewood. Fife Spanaway)
👄BLAH,BLAHA,BLAH❗❌❌❌lets just fu✴K 🆒arY 🐔🐥specials - 38
(Seattle, federal way, kent, desmoines, renton)
Sexy Sensual Seductive Exotic Beauties Naomi Heaven & Bootylicious Natalie Visiting Bellevue - 26
(Seattle, Bellevue IN/OUTCALLS 24-7)
Thu 02 Jan