Sun 26 Jan
★ Newww ★Trulee ★Sexy ★ - 23
(Seattle, Outcalls 2 u)
•♢•• ATTN: TRAVELERS • Attractive • Mature • Woman ••♢• - 36
(Seattle, West Seattle Downtown Airport Bellevue)
Y U M M Y !!!!! YUMMY!!!!!! S U P E R **♥** H O T T - 18 - 18
Y U M M Y !!!!! YUMMY!!!!!! S U P E R **♥** H O T T - 22
(Seattle +++)
HOT/ S.E..X.Y.--- Latina---Mami --2 Girls Available - 22
(Seattle, Seattle/Kent/Eastside Areas Outcalls)
?*'"* ೋ ☆ HOT Latina PLAYMATE Ready to Warm U up!// Available Now! ☆ ೋ?*'"*? - 29
(Seattle, Seattle * Everett * Eastside~ Outcalls)
______ HOT ITALIAN ______ 36 DD _____ GFE _____ BLONDE HOTTIE ______ BRAND NEW PICS _______ - 19
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
YUMMY!!! YUMMY!!!!!! -S---- U---- P---- E---- R--H---O----T **♥** ---- - 18 - 18
(Seattle, Seattle all the way to you++)
Wed 08 Jan
*{* Up LaTE*}* {{ SeXy { * BLoNdE* } * {{ HoTie }}*l { *CuRvY* } l* kENt}} {*} - 21
(KENT in/out)
Tue 07 Jan
****Spanish mami Ready to come and Fulfill your Fantasy**** - 22
(Seattle, Seattle/Kent/Eastside Areas OUTCALLS)
SPanish/ Mami-- W@iting-- FOR ---YoU--2 girl available - 22
(Seattle, Seattle/Kent/Eastside Areas Outcalls)
______ HOT ITALIAN ______ 36 DD _____ GFE ______ SPECIALS ______ DUOS AVAILABLE _______ - - 18
(Bellevue IN/OUT)
Y U M M Y !!!!! YUMMY!!!!!! -S---- U---- P---- E---- R--H---O------T **♥** ---- - 18 - 18
Thanksgiving Fun/! I am all yours this weekend! Let's party and play! - 21
(Seattle, Downtown Bellevue)
♥▄ ▀ ♥ ▄ ▀ ♥ ▄ ▀ ♥ ▄ 120 Visiting Curvy Petite ▄ ♥ ▀ ▄ ♥ ▀ ▄ ♥ -120 !!! - 22
(Seattle, NewCastle/ Bellevue)
Mon 06 Jan
Y U M M Y !!!!! YUMMY!!!!!! S U P E R **♥** H O T T - 18 - 18
(Seattle, all over washington)
CHOCOLATE!!! FANTASY!!!!!! -S---- U---- P---- E---- R--H---O------T **♥** ---- - 18 - 18
(Seattle, Seattle all the way to your lap++)
Sun 05 Jan
It's me Tiffany! I'm home! -~20~- Ready for some fun tonight - 20
(Seattle, seattle/bellevue/eastside)
CHOCOLATE!!! FANTASY!!!!!! -S---- U---- P---- E---- R--H---O------T **♥** ---- - 18 - 18
(Seattle, Seattle all the way to you++)
Make tonite TERRIFIC with this warm sweet classy BLONDE LADY! $120 - 33
(Seattle, Seattle/Shoreline/Eastside/ Your car)
Sat 04 Jan
****Morning Delight Exotic Mami ready to fulfill your fantasy**** - 22
(Seattle, Seattle/Kent/Eastside Areas)
•♢•• ATTN: TRAVELERS • Attractive • Mature • Woman ••♢• - 36
(Seattle, West Seattle Airport Tukwila Bellevue)
*°♥•B € ¥ Õ N Ð ~ ¥ Õ U ® ~*-:¦:-*~ W ¡ L Ð € § T ~ Ð ® € Â M §*100hr special!!! - 23
(Seattle, Eastside)
Fri 03 Jan
_____ ______ Smokin' Hot Brunette Babe ! ;) _____ _____ * Just Visiting * _____ _____ - In&Outcall; - 21
(Seattle, Bellevue EASTSide In&Out;)
Thu 02 Jan