Sun 26 Jan
💋🎀 Ready 2 Play 🎀💄GiRL NeXtDooR TYpe💄💋🎀 HOt BlONDe BeAUtY🎀💄💋 AvAiLAblE*NoW 🎀💄💋 - 23
(Seattle, Downtown Seattle incall special💕)
When your wife says "NO", Where do you go?
(Bellingham, Everett, Moses Lake, Olympia, Pullman / Moscow, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Tri-Cities, WA, Wenatchee, Yakima)
Wanting to Visit the Seattle area NOW as soon as you can ....... Please and Thanks you!! - 99
(Seattle, Bellingham to Seattle)
💥💥💥 READY for ACTION 💥💥💥❗ CAUTI👀N ❗SLIPPERY .WHEN .WëT 💦 New Here 🏫 Sexy Hips💃🏾 Tight Grips 😻 Luscious Lips 💋 💥💥 - 21
(Bellevue, Bellevue Near Fire Station 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥, Seattle)
🎀Last Day 🦋🎀🦋🎀Mixed🎀🦋🎀 Petite🎀🦋🎀90LB🎀🦋🎀 19 y.o. Spinner🎀🦋🎀🦋🎀 - 19
(Kirkland, Seattle, 💛💕💛Privately in Kirkland💛💕💛)
Looking for your anonymous drunken, drug fueled, outrageous, funny or illegal memories for new book!
(Seattle, Spokane)
!!! Make my SUPER • sweet & T H I C K, 🍫 😻 purr & CREAM...POUND these 🍰's - 25
(City of Seattle, HOTEL IN SILVERLAKE, SE EVERETT, Seattle)
Your Favorite Well Reviewed Insatiable Brunette Bombshell !! Your Wish Is My Command In Kirkland - 38
(Seattle, Kirkland)
y Ladylove Girlfriend friendly hot and ready. Out calls / *In calls west Seattle - 26
(Seattle, West/ east/ downtown anywhere)
** -- Ya WaNNa -- ** See Whats Wetter than the Rain ? Slip on In :) Lets Play (Outcalls) - 28
(OUTCALLS Seattle and Surrounding)
Why Fly Coach When First Class Is Available With A Gorgeous Busty Blonde - 35
(Seattle, Tukwila/Near Airport)
WHAT** ___ YOU** ___ SEE___ **___ IS___ **___ WHAT___ **___ YOU___ **____ GET ** - 22
(Issaquah Incall OR Your Place)
XxX*¨¨*:. ★ .:*¨¨* (D) * (E) * (L) * (I) * (C) * (O) * (U) * (S) *¨¨*:. ★ .:*¨¨*XxX - 23
Visiting Cougar ready to be unleashed..Last night... 120special - 37
(Seattle, Downtown Sea Incall or Outcall)
Well Reviewed Brunette Bombshell Is Ready To Play With You In Kirkland Your Wish Is My Command - 38
(Seattle, Kirkland)
Well Reviewed Brunette Bombshell is Visiting Downtown Seattle 2/29 --> 3/2 12 pm - 38
(Seattle, Downtown Seattle)
...Visiting!... *PeTiTe* {{ AMATEUR PORN☆ }} ♥ ToTaL NyMPHO ---***WeLL ReViEwEd***--- - 23
(KENT incalls)
*_W_A_N_N_A__* *H_A_V_E* -*S_U_M** *R_E_A_L_* *F_U_N?* - 21
__ *ViSiTiNg* ____ Well Reviewed! ____ ♥ BLuE-EyED BLoNDe ♥ ____ *Adult Film Star* ___ - 21
(SeaTac Airport Area Incalls)
(((Visiting ))) 100 Specials Truly Exceptional With The Magic I Do With My Lips!! - 30
(Seattle, Seatac Incall)
This lovely lady is all traveled out and cant wait to relax with you at these great rates!!!
TREAT YOURSELF! Xoxo _________ ★ ★ Gorgeous » B-R-A-Z- I-L-I-A-N « Knockout...... ! - 21
Theirs a FREAK in FEDERAL WAY!60hhr 120hr perfect BODY juicy BOOTY preky TITS the perfect EXPERIENCE - 23
(Seattle, Federal Way IC 60hhr 120hr 2533433299)
💢❤💢 —————💄💢❤💢[[ THE BEST ]] 💢❤💢✌——————💢❤💢[[ SUPER SEXY ]] 💢❤💢——————💢❤💢 SPECiALS !! - 21
(Seattle, BELLEVUE/REDMOND incall)
**perky ** blonde ** sweet as a treat** forget the rest the best is right here ** - 21
(Eastgate bellevue in/out)
___________( I )( W O N ' T )( S T O P )( T I L L )( U )( G E T )( E N O U G H )__ - 26
*•-:¦:-•* Do.. InViTe Me OvEr !! *•-:¦:-•* ThE dEaL bReAkEr Is bAcK *•-:¦:-•* - 23
Im BaCKHOTTIE *° AvAiL aBlE °* *° RiGhT °**° NoW°* NeW PiCs °**° - 21
(kent in/out)
I CÂN ÐÕ MÂGIC †®IcK§ WI† MY LiP§, HiP§ & FiNG€r †iP§ (¯`•★•´¯) - LYNNWOOD SPEACIAL - 19
.*¨¨*- ¦:-* _I_R_R_E S_I_S_T_A_B L_E_*-: :-*¨¨*. OUTCALL SPECIALS 24/7 *-: :-*¨¨*. - 23
-------- ((((( IN ))))) ------- SPECIAL ASIAN GIRL -------- ((((( CALL ))))) --------- - 26
Hott blonde in Downtown SEATTLE!! CALL NOW Leaving Tomorrow!! UP ALL NIGHT - 24
(Seattle, Downtown SEATTLE Incall open 24/7)
{ I'M BaCK { * BLoNdE } * { HoTTie }*l{ *CuRvY* }l* PeRFecT N EVeRy WAy }} GiRL NeXT DooR} - 21
(seatac incalls/outcalls)
*•-:¦:-•* I'LL dO wHaT sHe WoN't.. InViTe Me OvEr !! *•-:¦:-•* ThE dEaL bReAkEr Is bAcK *•-:¦:-•* - 23
(Seattle, Seattle/Tacoma/Everett/Eastside)
Hott blonde in Downtown SEATTLE!! CALL NOW SPECIALS all NIGHT ** come play - 24
(Seattle, Downtown SEATTLE Incall open 24/7)
~*HOT* SEXY * MAMI * Willin 2 fufill ur Desires * Satisfaction Garenteed* 80 specials~ - 19
hot kendra you know you wanna bit this its so inticeing! - 20
(Seattle, northseattle,seatac,tacoma,bellevue,)
HaNdS DoWn #1 HOTTEST+ + + + + +BLoNdE BoMbShELL+ + + + + + +SmOkInG HoTT! ! ! - 23
(seattle///bellevue incall)
~°~Guess Who's N KENT With A Face & Door $85 Specials $85 Ask About My Treat!!!! 253-266-0449 ~°~° - 99
(Seattle, Kent Renton Tukwila Surroundin Area)
Here is a list of every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Find out what they do & don't do
(In your city)
*~*GrEEn EyEd REDHEAD * ThIck HiPs WiTh ReAL PiXxX * WeLL ReVieWeD GFE * 38DD NaTu - 21
(South Incall)
*~*~*~*~* FULL GFE. . . . NO RUSH. . . . 100% Satisfaction. . . . INCALL SPECIAL. . . . *~*~*~*~* - 21
(Seattle: Burien/Tukwila Area)
Go Hawks💙🏈💚 Come Check Out My Tight End 💙🏈💚All Ports Open 💙🏈💚 In Kirkland 💙🏈💚 Go Hawks - 40
(Kirkland, Seattle)
*~* FARRAH LoVE *~*spEciaLs** ~ * CuRvAcEoUs FReAk * * * ReaL PiX * 38DD * * * I'm BaCK *~* - 21
FRIDAY SPECIAL. . . $100 For The Full Complete HOUR. . . - 25
✦(( G - O - O - D ♀GIRL) *WiTH* (N - A - U - G - H - T - Y~ HABITS )) & $ 100 Deals - - 24
(Seattle, Seatac incalls & All outcalls)
EYe$ ## 💋💋 Of. 💋 A GoDDe$# 🌹🌹 kinky. ForE PlaY. $$$🌹 - 26
($eattle Outcall All Areas, City of Seattle, Seattle)
Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Dirty Details
(Bellingham, Everett, Moses Lake, Olympia, Pullman / Moscow, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Tri-Cities, WA, Wenatchee, Yakima)
FEDERAL WAY—•☆• — ♥ The Girl Next Door ♥ — •☆• —FEDERAL WAY— •☆• —SUPER▪ SPECIALS - 28
(Seattle, FEDERAL WAY)
$eDuCinG . LaTe. NitE EveninG. FoRe PlaY 💋💋 - 26
(City of Seattle, Seattle, Seattle Outcalls all area call Rent)
[ E x O T i C ]..!blaCk&AsIan; ♥ *b a R b I e* 5'1" 115lbs -Tight- & {T0Ned} - 23