Sun 26 Jan
💯% REAL1HoT NeW SExY ItALiAn CURVS in ALL ThE RIGHT PlAcEs 💋💋💋 PlAyFulL AnD OpEn MiNded - 21
(Seattle, downtown seattle (Late Night /Early Morn)
!!! Make my SUPER • sweet & T H I C K, 🍫 😻 purr & CREAM...POUND these 🍰's - 25
(City of Seattle, HOTEL IN SILVERLAKE, SE EVERETT, Seattle)
VISITING - I Love What I Do And So Will YOU - Luscious Passionate 50+ Woman - 54
(Seattle, INCALL Seatac/DesMoines/OUTCALL)
VISITING Seattle area for a few weeks....Be PAMPERED By a Mature PASSIONATE Woman - 53
(Seattle, INCALL Seatac/DesMoines/OUTCALL)
Good morning.. New Girl Sweetie, incalls.. special fun avail. 60:15-80:30 100hr. - 21
(Renton, Seatac airport area)
Gorgeous GIRL!! Vip Treatment night time specials~ be PaMpErEd by this HOTTIE in BELLEVUE - 24
(Seattle, Bellevue incall only!!!)
❤《 DoNT MiSS OuT 》•☞ ▶▶ 60 ◀◀ ♛→→ S#uTTY PlayMate←←♛▶▶▶ 60 ◀◀◀❤ Habla - 20
(Seattle, SEATAC AiRport)
Sat 11 Jan
Sweet SEXY Succulent.. avail tonight! Seatac! incall! outcall to select locations! - 31
(SeaTac Airport Area/Renton)
Wed 08 Jan
Leavin🔜💥Real Deal ATF✈💨East African⏲ 32DDD 💢🅱🅾Ⓜ🅱SH🇪🇱🇱💣Highly Addictive💥 - 21
(Near SeaTac Airport or ur place, Seattle, Tukwila)
ABSOLUTE GORGEOUS, CURVY Blonde with skills that will Make you melt in it |. NEW - 24
(City of Seattle, Everett, Seatac, Seattle)
(Seattle, seattle & surrounding areas in/out)
Tue 07 Jan
KENT In Call Spec: Ever Been To Sin City W/ A Beautiful BLONDE (Knows What U Want) - 42
Hey Fellas it's Meka your #1 Seatac Provider in Renton :) 2534318213.. Perfect Body,Perfect Girl! - 21
(Seattle, Renton/Seatac 2534318213 60hh 120hr)
Mon 06 Jan
*..* 💡 The 🕖🕢🕗 (E)(A)(R)(L)(Y) B/I\R/D GeT's the W(O)R(M) 🍑 SpEcIaL until NOON - 40
Hey fellas It's CUNTrybaby,,I'm BACK!! 206 898-7971 Ur one STOP shop! CLASSY BUT NASTY! - 20
(Seattle, SEATAC area INCALLS-24/7, ILL SEE U SOON)
2 girl male worship / Seatac I/C 85HH or 160 for two - 25
(Seattle, Seattle Center, queen anne, downtown, DT)
Sun 05 Jan
KENT~/AUBURN *NEW* ~ ™Pix™ ~ ¥Flips¥ ~&~ ©Tricks©Don't Miss My $120Hr ~ Outcall Special 2532660449 - 99
(Seattle, Kent Auburn SeaTac Seattle Renton Area)
its CUNTry baby!! NASTY SEXY&more; NASTY!!206 261 6325 I make NASTY look soo GOOD - 20
(Seattle, Seatac area incalls24/7,outcalls24/7)
its MYA! dont be shy come stop by!! ;) relax and enjoy best specials intown 2068397478 38DD BREAST!! - 23
(Seattle, Seatac ic 2068397478:) one call away!!)
Sat 04 Jan
AVAILABLE NOW [Sexy] ((All Natural)) Redhead ~ READY to please ~ AIRPORT INCALL - 22
(Downtown, SEATAC in/outcall)
♥100 specials ♥ Brazalians & Creole Mami ♥* Specials 24/7*(InCall) - 19
(Seattle, Sea Tac Area/ Seattle)
👏💞👉 ur best kept secret 80 ic hh shoreline 💕so good😁 u will want 2 come back 💕💗 4253102884👈 - 25
(City of Seattle, Everett, Seattle, Shoreline, Shoreline, North Seattle)
Caution!! New Mixed Latina in Town.. Hablo Espanol - 24
(City of Seattle, Seattle, Tukwila Seattle Renton Bellevue Kent)
Alexis the SEDUCING QuEeN of LOVE waiting for you...-30 min. $100 incall special - 18
(Seattle, Seattle, Renton, Everett, Bellevue)
Fri 03 Jan
InTrODuCiNG tHe NeWeSt GiRL tO ThE NW.. ThE SoFt, SwEET TASTING and OH sO SeXY... MiSS *CaNDi* ;) - 26
(Seattle, Seatac Area)
Thu 02 Jan
(¯`· .*★* .·´¯) [×X×] SEXXY&BUSTY; BRUNETTE HOTTIE [×X×] (¯`·. *★* .·´¯) - 22
(bellevue kirkland in/out all over)