Sun 26 Jan
want it, come get it S*E*X*Y* ISLANDER 4 U find out! ~StOrM sPEciAlS!~ - 21
(Seattle, Renton incalls, all areas OUTCALLS)
◆ _____Two Girls AmAZiNG Brazilian /Blonde____ BOMBSHELL __IARA & Nadia______ BRUNETTE _____ ◆ - - 23
(Seattle, Bellevue , Seattle)
Im your light weight perfect little Blonde Treat . It's time to PLAY are you ready? - 20
(Bellevue Incall And Outcalls Available)
♥ ♥ Im What You Been Looking 4 ♥ SEXY LATINA TAKING CALLS NOW100$specials ♥ - 21
(Seattle, Kent, Seatac, North Seattle)
*IM HERE FOR U* come c what ur missin ~specials~ PRETTY caramel skin amazin real photos! - 21
(Seattle, renton incalls, outcalls)
~ I'm A VeRy KiNkY GiRl.. ThE KiNd YoU DoNt TaKe hOmE To MoThEr ~ - 26
(Seattle, Renton incalls / outcalls everywhere)
💎♛💗 iM BETTER ⬇⬇ THEN ⬆⬆ her↙↙ & her↘↘🌟♛#❶ EBONY PriNcess HERE!🎀💎♛╰☆╮Don'† MϊSS 0u† - - 24
(Kent incalls & outcalls, Renton, Seattle)
______ HOT ITALIAN ______ 36 DD _____ GFE _____ UP ALL NIGHT ______ NEW PICS_______ - 18
How *AbOut SoMethIng A liTtLe HoTteR for BreakFast LuNcH oR diNner today incall till 4pm - 22
(Seattle, Seatac incalls & outcalls)
______ HOT ITALIAN ______ 36 DD _____ GFE ______ SPECIALS ______ NEW PICS_______ - 18
______ HOT ITALIAN ______ 36 DD _____ _____ BLONDE HOTTIE ______ BRAND NEW PICS _______ - 19
*¨¨* HoLiDaY *¨¨* SPECIALS *¨¨* SEXY BRUNETTE * $12O SPECIALS*¨¨* - 25
(Seattle, N. Seattle Incalls /Outcalls Everywhere)
______ HOT ITALIAN ______ 36 DD _____ GFE _____ BLONDE HOTTIE ______ BRAND NEW PICS _______ - 19
Heyyyy boys! What ya gunna do with this dessert?! - 20
(Bellevue, City of Seattle, Everett, Kirkland, Lynnwood, Seattle, Shoreline)
*~* FuLL-FiGuReD BeAuTy ~ In/OuT/TuBs ~ BuSTy BRuNeTTe ~ AvAiLaBLe SPeCiALs 24/7 ~ CLiCK HeRe *~* - 22
(In/Renton - Tubs/FedWay - Out/2You)
~ExOtIc aMazing B*E*A*U*T*Y~ COME have SOME fun! ★Specials☆ - 22
(Seattle, Renton Incalls, All area Outcalls)
--» dRipPiNg wEt ]] MeEcEdEs iS bAcK aNd ReAdY tO pLaY ]] sExY aNd NaUgHtY «--
(seattle and surrounding cities)
AMAZING Kinky• ★ • :: Sizziling H0T :: • ★• LET ME WAKE U R LUNCH;)) - 22
(Seattle, outcalls/ incalls(renton))
♥Limited Time!♥ ! 99hh Specials! Gorgeous Cuban Barbie! !Well reviewed! - 21
(Renton Incalls/ Seattle Outcalls)
$80 ★ ThAi & LaTinA MiX / EXOTiC & BuStY ★ WELL REVIEWED ★ Si HAblA EsPaNoL $80 - 23
Sun 12 Jan
*°.d¡Bl * Tr@t * For * ¥ou * To * @T.°* - 100 hour in 140$ hour out All Night - 22
(Seattle, Seatac incalls & outcalls)
Sat 11 Jan
Can you hang out with the girl next door,,,Incall or out calls to you. - 25
(Seattle, Renton/Tukwila)
.•*¨¨*•- :¦:-•* A:L:L N:A:T:U:R:A:L *•-: ¦ :-•*¨¨*•. SWEET*•-: ¦ :-•*¨¨*• & SEXY !! - - MISS AUBREY* - 23
Fri 10 Jan
★REVIEWED♥ L e T ♥ M E ♥ B l o W ♥ U ♥ A w a Y ♥ W/ m Y ♥ A M A Z I N G ♥ SKILLS★ - 31
♥ ! Everything your Wife Wont Do! ♥ Gorgeous Cuban Barbie! !Well reviewed! - 21
(Renton/Kent Incalls / Seattle Outcalls)
Top Rated Asian-American Beauty in Seattle, Kitsap, Eastside, and South Sound areas - 29
(Seattle, Seattle, Eastside, Tacoma, Kitsap, Oly)
[ U= N= R= U= S= H= E= D= ] ★ K!NkY ★ EXoT!C ★ CuT!E ★ - 22
(Seattle, Renton area incalls/outcalls)
Thu 09 Jan
**(( Hot and Gorgeous Italian Goddess ))** ((36 DD ))** (( Your Newest Temptation ))** - 19
Ur New Favorite! Αναιlαblεⓝⓞⓦ ⏰ Sexy 💦 Sweet 🍒 Petite 👅 Caucasian Bombshell ❕Outcall Only - 25
(Outcall All Over, Tacoma)
Wed 08 Jan
🎄Merry Christmas 🎄 Let Us Be Your Holiday Cheer🎄Blondies - 25
(Bellevue, Burien, City of Seattle, Kent incalls & outcalls, Renton, Seattle, Tukwila)
@@ Exotic Temptress at your Service!!! @@ Well reviewed w/ super SEXY PICS!! @@ - 21
(Tukwila Incalls/Outcalls)
SWEET × * THiCK N ThE RiGhT PLaCeS * G°F°E ((* E*X*O*T*C**)) G°F°E * TREAT * - 21
~Amazing~ ★Exotic☆ B*e*a*u*t*y for YOU♥ 《Specials》 - 22
(Seattle, Renton incalls, all areas Outcalls)
(($8O Out-call SPECIAL )) oOo* __ E R O T I C & R E A D Y__ *oOo - 21
(Seattle, Incalls/Outcalls Seattle, Renton, Kent)
Tue 07 Jan
****Spanish mami Ready to come and Fulfill your Fantasy**** - 22
(Seattle, Seattle/Kent/Eastside Areas OUTCALLS)
SlOpPy [3]* * NO {{G*A*G}} ReFlEx**LAST DAY *** KENT INcall/outcalls - 24
(kent incalls and outcalls)
**(( BUSTY ITALIAN HOTTIE ))**(( LEAVING IN 2 DAYS ))**(( 36DD ))**(( ))**(( BRAND NEW PICS ))** - 19
(Seattle, Renton Incalls & Outcalls)
💋 I wanna be your treat incall outcall - 29
(Bellevue, City of Seattle, Everett, Olympia, Seattle, Tacoma, tacoma/midland/puyallup)
SPECIALS! {ThE} * ☆ * {PeRFecT} *★* {BLoNdE} *☆* VISITING!! - 21
(Seattle, Renton/tukwila Incalls-Outcalls)
°°★°°N A U G H T Y°° N i KK i★°° **$ pe c i a l$**$100 - 24
(seatac/southcenter/ fedeal way in out ca)
♡♥ Lucious Lips & Curvy Hips .. Come Take A Ride On This P@sur3 Trip ♡♥ - 25
(Seattle, incalls renton outcalls seattle area)
~LET~ me C*o*m*e TO U ****Exotic Seductress**** - 21
(Seattle, Bellevue/Renton incalls, All Outcalls)
Mon 06 Jan
👅💋👅Come Play Late Night👅💋👅 - 23
(Bellevue, City of Seattle, Incalls In Kent, Outcalls, Renton, Seattle)
*)(* Visiting Down south boys!!! Inc/Out Available!! Check THIS OUT!!! *)(* - 22
(Fed Way Incalls/Outcalls)
Top Rated Asian-American Beauty in Seattle, Kitsap, Eastside, Tukwila and Tacoma areas - 29
(Seattle, Tacoma, Bellevue, Tukwila, etc)
** (( BuStY bLoNde bOmBsHeLL )) ** **(( 36 DD ))** ** (( 100$ iNCaLl SpECiaL))** - 19
💋💞💖THE💖 _-_ 🌟G I R L 💖_-_ 🌟O F💖 _-_ 🌟Y O U R💖 _-_🌟D R E A M 💖💛 - 21
(Seattle, D.t seattle incalls & outcalls all over)
THICK SEXY bbw $$$$Specials$$$ 60$$ renton incall & outcalls tukwila - 30
(Renton incalls tukwila outcalls, Seattle, Tukwila)
STOP!!!______ 1 SWEET,,,, HOT,,, Little PIECE Of _____ A.. ..S....S.. ...______@@@ - 20
.•* L✪ ✪K •* H ✪T GiRL -NeXT-DooR *•★••••• PETITE PERFECTLY CURVY •••••★*• ALL Ur NEEDs! - 22
(Seattle, Seattle,Tacoma, Seatac Airport)
Sun 05 Jan
its CUNTry baby!! NASTY SEXY&more; NASTY!!206 261 6325 I make NASTY look soo GOOD - 20
(Seattle, Seatac area incalls24/7,outcalls24/7)
{{{{ You won't be able to resist!! }}}{{{ I've got Skills that will your mind!! }}}} - 22
(Tukwila Incalls and Outcalls)
()()() Leaving town in a few days!! play with me in FED WAY!!! ()()() - 22
(Federal Way/Incalls and Outcalls)
*~*InCaLL SpEciALs * * * CuRvAcEoUs FReAk * * * ReaL PiX * 38DD * * * CLiCk HeRe*~* - 19
(Seattle, Bellingham samish way INCALLS ONLY)
💨 Smokin Hot Serenity 🍦 Sweetest Ice Cream Around 👑 Petite Brunette Queen 👉 In/Outcalls - 23
(Seattle, Renton/South Center Incalls & Outcalls)
👑LeT Me TReaT YoU LiKe a KiNg LaTe NigHT ULTiMaTe PLeasuRe PRoViDeR👑 - 24
(Tacoma, 206👑578👑6283 IN&OUT; CALLS)
*=N=* AUGHT *=Y=* & [K] iNk Y] HoT! BlOnDe VIXXXEN ((Seatac INCALL $PECIAL)) - 24
(Kent in/out)
*{ LaTE NigHT DeLigHT }* {{ SeXy { * BLoNdE* } * {{ HoTie }}*l { *CuRvY* } l* KeNT }}Special - 21
(Kent in only)
**!** LaTe NiGhT SpEcIaLs **!** AuBrEy SpRiNg **!** DoN'T MiSs OuT **!** - 22
(Kent/Surrounding Areas)
Sat 04 Jan
———(( TALL ))——— •♥• ((( •♥• STUNNING -BUSTY- BLONDE •♥• ))) •♥• ———(( 100 SPEcIAL!! )) - 25
(Seattle, Renton Incalls & Outcalls All Over)
!!Make!! ---- !!Your!! --- !!Dreams!! --- !!Come!! --- !!True!! --- Redhead Sweetheart MUST SEE! - 23
~~~ Great SPECIALS with a truly Special Provider!! ~~~ Well reviewed n waiting for YOU!! ~~~ - 22
(Tukwila Incalls and Outcalls)