Sun 26 Jan
*(VIP tReAtMeNt*) hott lil blonde ready to go(~Up 24-7 CALL Late NIGHT n Early Morning) - - 23
█▄ ToE CuRLiNg SpeCiaL $100Hr ▄█ Outcalls To Everywhere & Incalls in Bothell - 25
(Seattle, Outcalls available & Incalls in Bothell)
*{* Im BAcK }* {{ SeXy { * BLoNdE* } * {{ HoTie }}*l { *CuRvY* } l* KeNT }} {* NEw PIcS*} - - 21
(Kent in/out all over)
______ HOT ITALIAN ______ 36 DD _____ GFE _____ BLONDE HOTTIE ______ BRAND NEW PICS _______ - 19
_*GiRL NeXT DooR * __PeTiTe ___ *WeLL ReVieWeD* ___ *FReCkLeS* __ *BLoNdE* __ *GrEeN EyEs * - 21
(lynnwood in//out)
exXxoTic bRunEttE [[--» foRgeT abOut The ResT anD coMe riDe wiTh tHe bEst «--]] dRipPinG weT - 19
(seattle and surrounding cities)
~*~ A true 5 St@r Provider!! ~*~ Think YOU can handle this Amazon??? ~*~ - 21
(Tukwila Incalls/Outcalls)
~*~*~ A RARE Flower ~*~*~ In a Garden of Weeds!! ~*~*~ C U M Find ME!! ~*~*~ - 21
(Tukwila Incalls and Out)
★☆★☆A Night To NEVER Forget☆★☆★I ♥Leave ♡U♥ ComPleTely SatiFied♡♥ - 21
(Seattle, Kent Incall/Outcalls Specials/)
Sat 11 Jan
Early Morning Specials Black Barbie! (OUTCALLS INCALLS) 24 hour :) - 20
(Seattle, Seattle(auroa) north seattle)
Can you hang out with the girl next door,,,Incall or out calls to you. - 25
(Seattle, Renton/Tukwila)
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
[]*[] ExXxtremely Low Specials!! Tukwila Incalls!! Green Eyed Goddess!! []*[] - 21
(Incalls in Tukwila/Outcalls)
**** E X O T I C -- Filipino, BLONDE -- TOP NOTCH 2 GIRLS **** Well Reviewed - 22
.•:*¨¨* L€T me B€ TH€ ! ♛; B€ST PÅRT ÕF YÕUR NIGHT !*¨¨*:•.★ .•OUTCALL SPECIALS¨* - 21
(Seattle, Seattle/Bellevue/Seatac)
Wed 08 Jan
@@ Exotic Temptress at your Service!!! @@ Well reviewed w/ super SEXY PICS!! @@ - 21
(Tukwila Incalls/Outcalls)
**** E X O T I C -- Filipino, BLONDE -- TOP NOTCH **** Well Reviewed - 22
Tue 07 Jan
☆★☆ EXOTIC ♡ LATINA ☆ ★ ☆ INCALLS + OUTCALLS ☆★☆ Five Star Service ☆★☆ Ready Now - 23
★♥ sTeP iNtO PaRaDiSe ★♥ WiTh eXoTic 6'1 KaLa GaTeS ★♥ $100$hR iNCaLL & OuTCaLL SPeCiaLs - 23
💋BRÁÑD NĘW SęXxY PįĆs💋 PeRkŸ TiTŠ, JuIcY BoOtY, SLiM WaIsT (SEATAC IC) 2063041021 70:100:170 - 26
(City of Seattle, SEATAC IC 206-304-1021 Qv70 Hh100 Hr170, Seattle)
Mon 06 Jan
-:-:-:-:-:-:-: in/out humpday SPECIAL :-:-:-:-:- Convenient 2 You! -:-:-:-:-: - 24
(Seattle, outcall incall 24 hr)
()()()() Come play with me at my Upscale Incall!! () Well Reviewed!! I'm staying up late!! ()()()() - 21
(Tukwila Incalls/Outcalls)
*)(* Visiting Down south boys!!! Inc/Out Available!! Check THIS OUT!!! *)(* - 22
(Fed Way Incalls/Outcalls)
%%% SPECIALS!! Tukwila Incalls!! Exotic Amazon Queen!! SPECIALS!! %%% - 21
(Tukwila/Incalls and Outcalls)
Αναιlαblε ⓝⓞⓦ ✅ Sexy 👅 Sweet 🍒 Petite 💦 Better than her 👆 & her 👇 Federal Way IC 📍 - 25
(City of Seattle, Federal Way, Seattle, Tacoma)
•♡•♡•♡•♡ Late Night Fun .... 80 Incall $pecial ♡•♡•♡•♡•♡• - 22
(Seattle, By downtown incall/outcall)
### Late Nite Specials!! ## Let me help YOU end the weekend the right way!! ### - 21
(Tukwila Incalls/Outcalls)
💋Gorgeous Ebony Bombshell💧Sweet & Petite SPECIALS💋 - 21
(Kent, TUKWILA Renton Seattle Auburn Federal Wa)
💋👅💦Come Enjoy This Mixed Exotic Beauty💦👅💋 - 23
(City of Seattle, Incalls In Federal Way, Outcalls, Seattle, Tukwila)
Sun 05 Jan
Available for INCALLS in Tukwilla💕💕 NEW NEW NEW💕💕 Softest CURVES amazing Service 💕 - 21
(City of Seattle, Seatac/Tukwila, Seattle, Tukwila)
{{{{ You won't be able to resist!! }}}{{{ I've got Skills that will your mind!! }}}} - 22
(Tukwila Incalls and Outcalls)
()()() Leaving town in a few days!! play with me in FED WAY!!! ()()() - 22
(Federal Way/Incalls and Outcalls)
Blonde Cutie! Best Booty!!! L00kiN F0R something TO grab ON to??? 100 INCALL SPECIALS - 22
Dont £ et This Warm Day Pass BY/§₩££T & §£xx¥ MS ♡ASH£eY ♥H£r£~ - 23
(Seattle, Seatac incall/outcalls varies)
Sat 04 Jan
~~~ Great SPECIALS with a truly Special Provider!! ~~~ Well reviewed n waiting for YOU!! ~~~ - 22
(Tukwila Incalls and Outcalls)
Fri 03 Jan
KiSS My LiPs & SqUeeZe My HiPs * FuLL-FiGuReD VixXeN BaCk In FeD WaY * HoT TuB SeSSiOnS AvAiLaBLe - 22
(Fed Way - Tubs & I/C** O/C - Everywhere)
Thu 02 Jan