Sun 26 Jan
♥°o°• EVERY•°o°• MAN'S •°o°• FANTASY •°♥* BRUNETTE BOMBSHELL! 100% REAL!* - 25
(Seattle, Bellevue-Kirkland Incall/ outcall)
**HOT & SEXY ReAdY & WillIng to PLEASE $$100 sPeCIALS ♥ - 35
(Moses Lake, moses lake and surrounding areas)
Gorgeous*Petite* Curves in all the RIGHT places* Private professional Perfect for any occasion - 29
(Moses Lake, Ephrata/Moses Lake)
((((((( Well Reviewed !!!! ))))) Guaranteed Good Time!!! Racheal ♥ 206-446-6330 - 23
(Seattle and All Surrounding Areas)
True Latina beauty w/ greenish gold eyes_ late night specials - 22
(Seattle, desmoines seatac incall/outcalls)
+++++++ I'm on the Late Night Creep - Come Creep with Me- 50 hug SPECIAL - 38 DD Naturally !!!!!!~ - 48
(Seattle, Sea Tac IN/OUT call avail)
★ !!! *** I'M* JUST*THE*BUSTY* GIRL* NEXT * DOOR *** !!!! $100 special! ★ - 23
💋【 ☆ ╠╣illaryMuff™ ☆ 】ღ ⓉⓃⒶ ℒoved! ღ ⇉ ℳakeout Diva ⇇ 【☆ I AiM †o Pl∈AS∈!☆】💋 - 36
(Bellingham, Bellingham ic/oc, City of Seattle, Everett, Seattle, Skagit County)
HuMpDaY Specials starting at 60 hugz - REVIEWED - 38DD - HURRY booking fast !!!!! - 47
(Seattle, Sea Tac IN/OUT call avail)
%% I wAnNa PrAcTiCe My SkIllS On YoU .. cAn YoU sLiDe It BeTwEeN ThEsE hOoTeRs?? %% - 25
(Seattle, Burien Incall/Surrounding Area Outcalls)
I Do what She Don't Reviewed ATF... Welcome me to Des Moines / Kent... - 30
(Seattle, Kent / Des Moines Incall / Outcall)
(¯`'+ ** I AM ** + '´¯) (¯`'+ ABSOLUTELY + '´¯) (¯`.¸+ A DREAM COME TRUE+ '´¯) WILD-FUN - 21
(Seattle, Incall/outcall)
❤💋💗***~ HOT Busty 21 yr old College Blonde Bombshell~ Ready to Play Now~***💗💋❤ - 21
(Seattle, Seattle, Bellevue)
**** Highly ADDICTIVE *** and Habit Forming *** COME get your FIX ***
HARD day ahead?? Let me EaSE UR MInD W/ EaRLY birDs SpecIal SExY LiGhT SKin READY NOW!! - 19
**** E X O T I C BLONDE Filipino Bombshell -- 5 star TOP NOTCH service -- QUEEN OF -- SATISFACTION - 22
EaRLY MOrNInG SPeCIaLS! Juicy Georgia Peach! Im feeling n@ughty fre@ky & ready to PLAY!! *reviewed* - 23
(Seattle, bellevue in/outcall)
A__ D__ O__ R__ A__ B__ L__ E______ J__ E__ S__S __ I__ K__ A__ - 21
(Seattle, INTERURBAN AVENUE- South Center/ Renton)
•°*• AMAZING 32DDD •°*• CALL ME NOW im ready 2 •°•°• SATISFY •°•°• your SWEET CRAVING - 19
(Sea Tac, DES MOINES INCALL/outcall south king)
Mon 13 Jan
ßLÂCK [[PÂN¡§]] ßLÂCK [[HL§]] ´¯` ♥ * ©ØM § HØW §Øft[[NÂWY]] ßLÂCK Girls fL - 22
(Seattle, Seatac incalls & outcalls)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
×°x°× CLiCK HERE ×°x°× IF YoU ×°x°× REQUiRE ×°x°× THE BEST ×°x°× - 23
★•ՠѕωєєтєѕт gιяℓߒ•★⋘【AvAiℓAвℓє Nσω】[Gεn†εℓmεn's Cho¡cε] ♡ •••➤Upscαℓε ßεαuty 💋 - 26
(Seattle, Downtown, Bellevue)
Fri 10 Jan
😘Specials♥️ IN Call & OuT CallS All surrounding areas 😍‼️‼️ - 18
(Seattle, Sea tac Bellevue all surrounding city's)
Do WhAtEvEr YoU wAnT tO mE sPeCiAlS {sExY bOdY] kandi is READY !! - 23
💋💋💋Specials Tonight Call Right Now💋💋💋Come spend some QT 💖💖 w/💎💎 DiamondS 💎💎 Best fRiend💜💜 - 24
(Seattle, King County)
Thick Chocolate *Private Incall* Ask 4 REVIEWS* $100 Special* Tattoos 100% ME* Professional - 28
(Seattle, Des Moines Private Incall or OUTCALL)
Thu 09 Jan
☆ ☆ ☆_E_V_E_R_Y_ ●_T_H_I_N_G_● _Y_O_U_ ●_W_A_N_T_ ☆ ☆ ☆ Th¡cK Se×Y Wh¡te DeL¡ght■■■ 253*683*0426♡ - 25
(Seattle, SeaTac Incall, LOCAL Outcall)
**TaLL BeAuTy** 100 Specials** Come Warm Up with Me** - 28
(Seattle, South Everett Private Incall/outcall)
Super SWEET Attractive ****All American LUKE **Blue Eyes*INCALL & OUTCALL - 28
(Burien, Silverdale,Bellevue,Seattle,Kirk, City of Seattle, Seattle)
A~R~E _ U _ W~A~N~T~I~N~G _ T~H~I~C~K _ S~E~X~Y _ R~E~A~D~Y _ & _ W~I~L~L~I~N~G - 32
(Sea Tac, SEATAC)
Wed 08 Jan
· ▒ ▓ █ ·BeAuTiFuL . BoDy .★. BrUnEtTe . HoTtIe .★. AvAiLaBlE . NoW·█ ▓ ▒ · - 24
(Seattle, .☆. SeAtAc .☆.)
Tue 07 Jan
Sexy MONA💋 -/ 40- D-BUSTY 📌 Hazeleyes SEXY European MONA /-INCALL DES MOINES☎️💯👅 - 30
(Bellevue,Kirkland,Auburn,Redmond,Burien, City of Seattle, Seattle)
•♥• §exy ♡ §assy ♡ §weet •♥• Naughty & Nice •♥• SeaTTle InCaLL ♡ OutCaLL •♥• - 24
(Seattle, Seattle In/Out)
»-★YoU »-★-» DeSErVE »»ThE »-★-» BEsT »-★-» NaTUrAL 38H's »-★-» - 27
(Seattle, Your place or mine)
Im on the HuMpDaY late night creep. Come creep with me ! 50 rose SPECIAL !!! - 48
(Seattle, Kent area IN/OUT call avail Ez fwy acces)
🔥💥🔥💥 HOT as Fire!! 💥🔥💥🔥_____ * SWEET * as Candy 🍬🍡🍭🍫_____ 100 % REAL ___ ⌚️AVAILABLE NOW - 20
(Tacoma, incalls Outcalls)
Thick Chocolate * Ask 4 REVIEWS* OUTCALL $80 SPECIAL* Tattoos 100% ME & Professional - 28
(Seattle, Des Moines Private Incall or OUTCALL)
Hello Fellas this is LEXI, I'm in the Des Moines area Giving a Great Special! 50hh 100hr 2068987971 - 21
(Seattle, Kent/Des Moines 2068987971 50hh 100hr)
FANTASY VIXEN~~~ ***Miss Mary Jane***~~~*** SEXY Hour Glass Figure ***DD'S ***BEAUTIFUL SEXY!!! - 25
(Seattle, Bellevue & Seatac * Outcall to you!! :))
❤️💚💙💛BLONDE 💎 PLAYMATE 💛💙💚 ❤️ Round BOOTY 🍑 Perky DD's 💋☀️ ClOsE 2 AiRpOrT ✈️🚗 SiZZliNG reviews ✍🏼️🔥🔥 - 26
(Renton, SeaTac/ Kent, Seattle)
Mon 06 Jan
Super Sexy Mouth Watering Goddess Has Specials ! Call Now :206-947-3195 ***** - 22
(Seattle And Surrounding Areas)
su casa 80~REAL BEAUTIFUL white girl BLONDE SEXY~~outcall 80 - 25
(Bellevue, Burien, City of Seattle, Kirkland, OUTCALL ONLY Su casa, Renton, Seattle, Shoreline, Tukwila)
Happy Thanksgiving Sexy! I have an AMAZING way to work your Turkey Dinner!! - 31
(Seattle, All Seattle Areas Your Place Only)
:* ☆ ¨*: {COME} :*★¨*: {FEEL}: *¨☆*: {REAL} :*★¨*: {FULL G.F.E!} - 24
(Inn & Out Hotels 2)
•☆• 100. =█ ▶ ((SPeCialS)) ◀ █ SeXy ★FrEaK AvAiLaBLe NoW.wannA party - 23
(Seattle, Downtown $100hh)
~JuSt CaUsE iM CuTe DoEsNt MeAn I cAnt Be NaUgHtY($70hr $50hh)lEt Me Be YoUr EvErY dEsIre*~ - 20