Sun 26 Jan
💋TreAt Yourself to Some HOT Chocolate🍫Big Booty 🍑Bombshell..I am 💯Real,Reviewed & Ready to Please! - 23
(City of Seattle, Seattle, Your Place or My Place!!)
😍TNA Verified Kellikash 😍 Let's play 😜 Your favorite chocolate treat😉👄😉 - 23
(Kent, DesMoines, Federalway,Fife, Milton, Renton, Seattle)
🌹Your Place🌹 Miley Rose Here To Exceed Your Fantises & Be Your Freaky Mistress 🌹 TNA VERIFIED 🌹 - 24
(City of Seattle, Seattle, Your Place Everywhere)
🍎🍍🍑Juicy 🍯🌟🍨Gorgeous 💚👌👠 §ensual💯🔥🎂 - 21
(City of Seattle, federalway, seatac, tukwila, burien, Seattle)
💋❤YoUnG. EnErGeTiC. BeAuTiFuL. PaSsIoNaTe. 💋❤ Just waiting on you! Don't hesitate Just call. 😊😉 - 24
(Seattle, S.Kent/FederalWay/SeaTac)
Young ____ Spanish _____ FLY (specials) Up _____ ALL _____ Night 100% me - 21
(Seattle, kent INCALL / OUTCALLS AVAI)
**Y0uR ~DeStiNY~ iS BaCk iN T0wN!! CalL F0R iNcalL SPeCialLS** - 19
(Seattle, Incall-kent, federalway,renton,bellevue,)
💟VIP COLOMBIANA💟kent incall ! Classy Upsale Queen #1 fresh out the shower READY 💯%real pics - 19
(Seattle, kent renton bellevue Lynwood kirkland)
Ur dreams are realized no detail will be spared, no expectation overlooked - 23
(Seattle, FederalWay Incall)
♛ U.P.S.C.A.L.E ♛ C.L.A.S.S.Y ♛ S_E_X_X_Y ♛ L_A_T_i _N_A ♛ - 19
(Seattle, kent incall /federalway, auburn)
SNOWBUNNY°o★o° TAKE °o★o° _ Y_O_U_R_ °o★o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o★o° _A_W_A_Y! 80$Special:) - 19
(Seattle, federalway)
Sugar*and* Spice **and ~Me-In*Your*Life*Tonight} - 27
(Seattle, SeaTac,Seattle,federalway surroun areas)
☆ ;· Im Ready AND WiLLing __________ (( STOP SEARCHiNG )) killer body real beauty - 20
(Seattle, incall and out)
(¯`'+ ** Im ** + '´¯) (¯`'+ ABSOLUTELY + '´¯) (¯`.¸+ INCREDIBLE+ '´¯) 100 Special - - - 25
(Seattle, federalway)
😘☺Hey Sweety, let me fulfill your Fantasy💭💦💦 Daddy😘 Italian/Native Mix😘😘😘 *specials* 💦👠💄 - 21
(Seattle, Auburn/Kent/FederalWay/Bellevue/Renton)
*.GooGLe Me ApRiL SpArX.x.X *.ReAlItY KiNgS ...FuN StARtS HeRe .*PhILLIpInA HottIe - 20
(Seattle, kent/seatac/renton/federalway/auburn)
💋fun💄 💎 discreet💎💄 5ay Specials 👑💦tight💦💋passionate💋 - 27
(O/C Sumner puyallup algona Auburn KENT, Renton, Seattle)
*.GooGLe Me ApRiL SpArX.*.ReAlItY KiNgS ...FuN StARtS HeRe .*PhILLIpInA HottIe - 20
(Seattle, kent/seatac/renton/federalway/auburn)
Mon 13 Jan
◤◢◤ ◢ ☆◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤ ◢ ☆Independent ————— Ready To Please U ☆ ◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ ☆ ◤◢◤ - - 20
(Seattle, Federalway/Seatac/Everywhere(Me To You))
Sun 12 Jan
Looking For , Freaky , And Wild , CLICK HERE HURRY - 19
(Seattle, Seattle , seatac , federalway , auburn)
Sat 11 Jan
** Something New ? ** Try This menu ! ** specials! - 25
(Seattle, federalway incall/ outcall anywhere!)
☆★☆★☆ 60HH ★☆★ 100 HR ☆★☆★☆ PORSHA★☆★☆★ SMOKIN HOT ★☆★☆★ - 21
(Seattle, FEDERALWAY/KENT 288TH 100HR :))
♥♡Sweet & Petite•º (¯`'•¸ ★(¯`'•.¸ ☆¸.•'´¯) COME PLAY WITH ME! - 23
(Seattle, Seattle Renton Kent FederalWay YourPlace)
>>> CuTe iN The FaCe ^^^ THick iN The WaiST >>> i CaN MaKe yOuR WilDesT DReaMs CoMe True - 19
(Seattle, kent federalway auburn sea-tac)
➡A+ Mixxxed Cutie ⬅ ⭐⭐⭐ Fun To Play With Play Boy 👯Body 🍒Extremely addicting🍒 💋💋 - 27
(City of Seattle, Federalway/Tacoma, Seattle)
Fri 10 Jan
**🍒 Exotic peurto rican Beauty 🍒** look no further specials🍒 up all night🍒 - 25
(Seattle, Incall-kent federalway auburn renton)
💋💎big Beautiful Woman Ready To Please You 💎💋 24HR Service ⏰ Call Me 📞 lets have FUN 👅 - 19
(Seattle, fife milton federalway auburn)
Come taste the Rainbow!! Sara the dreammaker will make your wishes come true!!! - 24
(Seattle, Sea-Tac Renton Kent Auburn FederalWay)
Thu 09 Jan
*** Sexy~Discrete(* )(* ) Luxurious Time At The Drop Of The~Dime *** - 21
(Seattle, Federalway,Auburn,Kent,Renton,Seattle)
Wed 08 Jan
**80$ Specials today only!!**~Your sexy exotic fantasy~~80$$$ - 19
(Seattle, incall-federalway, seattle, kent, renton)
🌺 Exotic Ebony Beauty CALL ME 🌺💦🇮🇳🇩🇺🇱🇬🇪 Into My Paradise🍇🍓🍍🌴 - 22
(City of Seattle, Kent,Tukwila,Seatac,Federalway (OC), Seattle)
Tue 07 Jan
😈SinFul SEAHAWKS🏈 Sunday #1 Draft Pick🏆 (OUTCALL Specials🌹) - 21
(Seattle, seatac/federalway OUTCALLS)
☆★☆ EXOTIC ♡ LATINA ☆ ★ ☆ INCALLS + OUTCALLS ☆★☆ Five Star Service ☆★☆ Ready Now - 23
⇨•◠24/7 ∞ *ASiAN REaL BOmB BoMbShELl* ∞ SPeCiaL ∞ Qv.70 â—•⇦ - 22
(Seattle, FederalWay)
:*YOUR :* LITTLE :* SECRET :*SaSHa 80 SPecIals :*YOUR :* LITTLE :* SECRET :* - 27
Hot Juicii & T I G H T⇨ ♔ the E X O T i C PRiNCESS LAST NIGHT in T0WN & i WiLL LEAVE Y0U G0iNG W0W ♔ - 20
(Seattle, Tukwila IC,Kent,FederalWay,Renton,Auburn)
lm❤❤UR GiRl NeXt DoOr { CoMe Let Me PaMPeR YoU}❤•• ❤• - 22
Mon 06 Jan
2532829194💋💄💋 NEW $100 💋💄💋💄💋💄💋 Make Me Moan Make Me Come 💋💄💋💄💋 Ultimate Pleasure 💋 - 22
(Federalway in call and sorounding areas, Seattle)
[STUNNiNG]] ★ ★ [[jUiCy PLAYMATE ]] ★[[ CALL NOW ]] - 22
(Seattle, FederalWay Incalls ..206.. OUTCALLs)
It's Me Yes I'm Back I'm Ready It's Your Exotic Mexican Princess
(Seattle, Seatac Tukwila Burien Renton FederalWay)
It's Me Yes I'm Back I'm Ready It's Your Exotic Mexican Princess
(Seattle, KENT Tukwila Burien Renton FederalWay)
☆☆☆ *❤*B * L * O * W out Specials!!! AVAILABLE NOW* ☎ °• ☆☆☆ - 23
(Seattle, Federalway/ kent/ seatac incall only)
as GOOD as it GET'S! 38ddd's, fattBOOTY, GOODgurl goneBADD 206 931 7276 - 21
Available Now! Natural Triple D's Mixed Certified Freak! Incall Specials - 24
(Seattle, Des Moines/Federal Way)
100hr SPEC.If It's NOT ME then SHE's FREE free FREE cause MY Pics R 100%Me Me Me*100 for 1HR - 23
(Seattle, seatac/tukwila/desmoines/kent/federalway)
✨✘ uℓtiℳαtε ✘ ρℓαγMαtε ✘ ✨👄SKiLLŞ👌 ρυRε💎 ρℓ℮αδυRε 🎆 Juicγ 👏ⓑⓞⓞⓣⓨ 💦 AvAilABle 📞NoW! - 21
(Seattle, Kent,Renton,FederalWay & Surrounding)
👀 I'll have U Begging😫🙏🏽 4 More!!💦😋 THICK 🍑Exotic ebony💋BIG JUICY BOOTy💯CALL new 2 area 💯 - 22
(City of Seattle, Kent, Seattle,Federalway,Skyway,Renton, Seattle, Tukwila)
***THE BEAUTIFUL BRUNETTE*** You'll Never Forget ♥ Available Now 24/7 - 24
(Seattle, incalls & seattle to federalway outcalls)
🍭🍭🍭 Certified Playb👯y Material 🍭🍭🍭 Highly Addicting Double D's Exotic 🍭🍭🍭 Puetro Rican - 27
(City of Seattle, Federalway/Tacoma, Seattle)
C O N F I D E N T *ღ* S E X Y_ *ღ* P E T I T E *ღ* P L A Y M A T E - 21
(Seattle, Incall kent / outcall)
•♥• [ BUSTY ] •♥• [ SWEET ] •♥• [ UPSCALE ] •♥• [ SNOWBUNNY] 70$$ 1HrSpecial•♥ - 19
(Seattle, Federalway)
Sun 05 Jan
[♥] N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [♥] NEVER LOOKED [♥] THIS N*I*C*E ;)-[♥] - 22
♕ Y0UR ♕ SUPER-N@UGHTY ♕ C0MPANi0N ♕ ░★☆ WaNt$ 2 PLaY☆★░ - 22
(Seattle, DesMoines SeaTac Tukwila Kent FederalWay)
It's Me Yes I'm Back I'm Ready It's Your Exotic Mexican Princess
(Seattle, Seatac Tukwila Burien Renton FederalWay)
💎💋🍰🍫Carmela Cakes💎💋🍰🍫 New In The Area!!! - 21
(City of Seattle, Seattle, Tacoma, Tacoma,Fife,Seattle,Federalway)
Sat 04 Jan
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 service No Rush!! OUTCALL Now👅👄👄Specials !! exotic🌺 freak you been wanting MEET - 19
(Seattle, outcall everywhere)
°*°Why Go Coach When First Class Is Available Now °*° - 26
(Seattle, federalway IN anywhere OUT 24-7 Service)
YOUNG💋💯%READY#1 fresh face 👄 better than her 👆 and her 👇 and her 👉 - 19
(fife federalway and auburn, Seattle)
🍭🍭☁✴🇭🇪🇦🇻🇪🇳 ⛅✴ 🅾🇳⛅🇪🇦🇷🇹🇭⛅✴ Upscαℓε ßεαuty••💋UR #1🔝 Pick 60$ Sp ♥🍭🍭KENT - 21
(Seattle, KENT SEATAC FederalWay Auburn)
Up and Ready to get NASTY!!!!!!!!! 60earlybird special until 3pmNEW NUMBER7628218919 - 26
(Seattle, federalway private incall)
((BReaST FeTiSH?))38H's ➜ FLaWLeSS CuRVy BoDy! ೋ EaRLyBiRD SpClss ★ - 21
Ex💋tic Puerto Rican Vixen🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 Y💋ung Wild And Cute🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 - 26
(City of Seattle, Federalway/Tacoma, Seattle)
VELUMPTUOUS CURVES~~~blue eyed beauty~~~sent from heaven just for you!!!!!!! - 21
(Seattle, FederalWay/kent/seatac/seattle)
☎☎❤ExOTiC PHiLLiPiNa & iRiSh💘 GoDDeSS❤VoTeD💘 YouR#1 PRoViDeR ❤☎☎IN All of WASHINGTON - 23
Fri 03 Jan