Sun 26 Jan
**Y0uR ~DeStiNY~ iS BaCk iN T0wN!! CalL F0R iNcalL SPeCialLS** - 19
(Seattle, Incall-kent, federalway,renton,bellevue,)
Ur dreams are realized no detail will be spared, no expectation overlooked - 23
(Seattle, FederalWay Incall)
♛ U.P.S.C.A.L.E ♛ C.L.A.S.S.Y ♛ S_E_X_X_Y ♛ L_A_T_i _N_A ♛ - 19
(Seattle, kent incall /federalway, auburn)
Tis the season, Super Specials for the weekend.... Incall/ Outcall 24/7 - 26
(Incall In FederalWay Outcall 24/7)
💋fun💄 💎 discreet💎💄 5ay Specials 👑💦tight💦💋passionate💋 - 27
(O/C Sumner puyallup algona Auburn KENT, Renton, Seattle)
*Federalway Incall/outcall* GoOd GiRl GoNe B@DD!! sExY lIl TrE@t!! - 24
(Seattle, Federal way Incall surrounding Outcall)
Sat 11 Jan
** Something New ? ** Try This menu ! ** specials! - 25
(Seattle, federalway incall/ outcall anywhere!)
Fri 10 Jan
**🍒 Exotic peurto rican Beauty 🍒** look no further specials🍒 up all night🍒 - 25
(Seattle, Incall-kent federalway auburn renton)
Wed 08 Jan
**80$ Specials today only!!**~Your sexy exotic fantasy~~80$$$ - 19
(Seattle, incall-federalway, seattle, kent, renton)
Tue 07 Jan
⇨•◠24/7 ∞ *ASiAN REaL BOmB BoMbShELl* ∞ SPeCiaL ∞ Qv.70 â—•⇦ - 22
(Seattle, FederalWay)
Mon 06 Jan
☆☆☆ *❤*B * L * O * W out Specials!!! AVAILABLE NOW* ☎ °• ☆☆☆ - 23
(Seattle, Federalway/ kent/ seatac incall only)
as GOOD as it GET'S! 38ddd's, fattBOOTY, GOODgurl goneBADD 206 931 7276 - 21
C O N F I D E N T *ღ* S E X Y_ *ღ* P E T I T E *ღ* P L A Y M A T E - 21
(Seattle, Incall kent / outcall)
Sun 05 Jan
((click here)) 2girl **special** * * SWEET * * BIG BOOTY* *college GIRLS - 23
(INcall/federalway-0utCALLs/to you)
Sat 04 Jan
Up and Ready to get NASTY!!!!!!!!! 60earlybird special until 3pmNEW NUMBER7628218919 - 26
(Seattle, federalway private incall)
((BReaST FeTiSH?))38H's ➜ FLaWLeSS CuRVy BoDy! ೋ EaRLyBiRD SpClss ★ - 21
Fri 03 Jan
Bonita ✨ Latina 👄 100$ anywhere 👅💦 OUTCALL All Night NOW 💃👑 Fun Sized 🎀 taste like CANDY 🍭 - 20
(Seattle, Incall NOW / outcall everywhere)
Thu 02 Jan