Sun 26 Jan
*****SEXY & AMAZING Lana is available today SAT. - Treat yourself to the BEST***** - 37
(Seattle, Seattle - Bellevue area (Factoria))
*****SEXY & AMAZING Lana is available today Friday! - Treat yourself to the BEST***** - 37
(Seattle, Seattle - Bellevue area (Factoria))
*~*~*SATISFY YOUR APPETITE ___________ FBST SAT/SUN SPECIALS ____________ 100% SEDUCTIVE*~*~* - 30
(UP - Lakewood - Tacoma)
*****SEXY & AMAZING Lana is BACK in town.. Today Friday only!!***** - 37
(Seattle, Seattle - Bellevue area (Factoria))
*~*~*SATISFY YOUR APPETITE ___________ FBST SPECIALS ____________ 100% SEDUCTIVE*~*~* - 30
(UP - Lakewood - Tacoma)
*****AMAZING Sensual FB touch with Sexy Lana ... Enjoy NEW CLIENT SPECIALS with the BEST!***** - 37
(Seattle, Seattle - Bellevue area (Factoria))
*****AMAZING Sensual FB touch with SEXY Lana ... Enjoy SPECIALS with the BEST!***** - 37
(Seattle, Seattle - Bellevue area (Factoria))
Sat 11 Jan
WestSeattle Janie Will Caress Your Stress Away Open-Minded Sensual and Sweet
(W.Seattle or Your Location?)
Fri 10 Jan
Janie Will Caress Your Stress Gone MyFriend BANG *BANG*BANG* We Can Make Our Own Fireworks
(W.Seattle or Your Location?)
Thu 09 Jan
Exceptional Touch and Tantric Training - Back in Seattle Tomorrow! - 37
(Seattle, SoDo - 6min. South of Downtown Seattle)
Exceptional Touch and Tantric Training - In Seattle This Week, Then Traveling thru Mid-April! - 37
(Seattle, SoDo - 6min. South of Downtown Seattle)
Tue 07 Jan
*~*~*SATISFY YOUR APPETITE ___________ FBST SPECIALS ____________ 100% SEDUCTIVE*~*~* - 30
(UP - Lakewood - Tacoma)
Janie Will Caress Your Stress Gone...Weekend Super Incall Specials $ For You MyFriend
(W.Seattle or Your Location?)
Janie Will Caress Your Stress Gone...Weekend Super Incall Specials $ For You MyFriend
(W.Seattle or Your Location?)
Mon 06 Jan
*****SEXY & AMAZING Lana - Treat yourself to the BEST by July 5th!! ***** - 37
(Seattle, Seattle - Bellevue area (Factoria))
Exceptional Touch and Tantric Training - Traveling thru mid-April - 37
(Seattle, SoDo - 6min. South of Downtown Seattle)
Sun 05 Jan
*****ENJOY the very SEXY & AMAZING Lana in the fall!!!.. Out of town til Sept.!***** - 37
(Seattle, Seattle - Bellevue area (Factoria))
Sat 04 Jan
Exceptional Touch and Tantric Training with Ajna - 37
(Seattle, SoDo, ~10min. from Downtown Seattle)
Fri 03 Jan