Attention Escorts! Come to Sunny Southern California and Make BIG Money! We pay Travel.

Posted : Saturday, January 04, 2025 07:20 AM | 10 views

#1 Booking Service Now Hiring Escorts! No experience required. Want to travel, make big money and have fun? We pay travel expenses! Now hiring select ladies! We are currently booking in over 20 US cities and Canada. Our company was started in 1995 and we specialize in high-end international clientele. Our philosophy is....when you work for us, we do not restrict you from working independently or for other agencies - we can bring you additional high-end international business. This is a win-win for everyone. We could both benefit greatly from a business relationship. We work with many independent girls and our split is very reasonable. We can increase your existing business! We specialize in international marketing and client screening to ensure the safety of our companions. ** Please do not call – simply email your photos, name and phone number to us and we will contact you within 48 hours. Our email address is: Please take the time to view our websites at: (High-end outcall/incall services in LA and surrounding areas) A few of our other cities: ** Please do not call – simply email your photos, name and phone number to us and we will contact you within 48 hours to discuss this opportunity. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you, LA Elite Companions - Management Email: ts escorts seattle,tryst erie,seattle eros escorts,scorts en seattle,seatlle escort,leolist ott,modesto escorta,seattle escort.,seattle escoet,escorts tri cities wa
  • Post ID : 2306700
  • Poster's age : 28
  • City : Seattle
  • Address : Beverly Hills