Thu 02 Jan
{* CuRvY BlOnDe KnOcKoUt *} * {* WeLl ReViEwEd PlAyMaTe *} * {* WhAt MoRe CoUlD YoU WiSh FoR? *} - 21
(renton in/out)
~:Come enjoy the company of Breanna n the luvly EVA:~ come now papi amazing duo - 21
(Seattle, Kent my place ;) incall only or out)
~***At Your Service One Hot Vixen***Specials*Come See & Leave Happy***~ - 26
(North Seattle, Seattle)
Another beautiful day why spend it alone why not spend it with Beautiful Alexis!!!! - 21
(Seattle, out calls incall Kent)
- ♥ AVAiLABLE NOW♥ UP ALL NiGHT♥1OO♥ 💋💕💄C▒U▒R▒V ▒Y»-♥-»bUSTy BrUNeTTe bEAuTy - 23
(Seattle, in/out anywhere EVERETT iNCALL)
100★❤Super Sexy.Thick & Curvy ❤Mouth Watering Freak!❤Incall Specials! ❤ ★ - 26
(Seattle, Bellevue/Renton/kent in/oc all areas)
100☆ . * FLAWLESS ☆ . * SPECIALS ☆ . * UPSCALE # 1 CHOICE ☆ 100 - 20
(Seattle, East Side Your Place or Mine)