Sun 26 Jan
I should be Tylenol because I can take your headache away!!!!! Stress reliever - 24
(Seattle, seattle Renton. eveywhere)
🎀💘💙I.. KN◯W.. 💖JUS†.. H◯W.. 💖T◯... MAKє ...💖Y◯U.. SMϊLє!💘💙 AvaiL NoW ... AmAziNG T♓️r🅾@T💕 - 26
(City of Seattle, In call N.Seattle/Out call all, Seattle)
HOTT♡ ♥💕💕 ♡ EXOTIC ♡ ♥💕💕 ♡ SEXY ♡ 💕💕♥ ♡ OUTCALLS♡💕💕 ♥ ♡ READY 4 U ♡💕💕 ♥ ♡ RIGHT ♡ ♥ ♡ N O W - 24
(Seattle, outcalls)
💦💦I'm 💋Better 👙 Than 😉Your 💙Girlfriend💦💦 - 20
(Bellevue, City of Seattle, Everett, Kirkland, Seattle, Seattle (All surrounding locations))
(I'm BAcK ) I __ mAY ___lOOK ____ ____ bUT___ iM___ vERY __ !! (Specials) - - 19
(KENT& Surrounding Areas)
☎~☎~☎ ✔ I'm ☆ Alw@ys ☆ On ☆ My ☆ N@ughtiest ☆ Beh@vior!! ✔ ☎~☎~☎ - 22
(Seattle, Outcalls to you and surrounding)
___ Im ___ sexy ___, Friendly __, and ___ ultra ___ Sweet ___ CALL AMY ___... - 22
(Seattle, shoreline - 205th - Ballinger)
🍒🍒🍒Hot👌Ready~🌸Petty💕 Caucasian Girl👗👠Sensual -💄💋Beautiful Body - 21
(City of Seattle, Everett, incall: bellevue outcall: your place, Seattle, Tacoma)
Hott Ebony Sexy Body Unforgettable service No Rush Try my Amazing Skills Call for Appt:) - 20
(Seattle, Outcall All over 24/7)
~*HOT* SEXY * MAMI * Willin 2 fufill ur Desires * Satisfaction Garenteed* 80 specials~ - 19
*´¯`·.· ★ ·.·´¯`* Hot* Sexy* Thick* Brunette *´¯`·.· ★ ·.·´¯`* ( $120 Outcall Specials ) - 24
(Outcalls everywhere)
Hot Latina Mixx , booty beauty !!!Petiet curvY,and alwaYs ready :) - 19
(Seattle, Seattle Renton kent auburn)
I aM THE BEST...beautiful Latina sparkling green eyes.....pick ME - 22
(Seattle, fed way incall and outcalls everywhere)
(¯`'+ ** I AM ** + '´¯) (¯`'+ ABSOLUTELY + '´¯) (¯`.¸+ A DREAM COME TRUE+ '´¯) SPECIALS NOW GET IT - 21
HuRRy I'm LeaVinG in 2daYs____ _____ 50inch BooTy__ ____ DD's___ ___SuPeR CurVY__ _____ 100% GerMaN - 34
(Fife/ Renton)
______ HOT ITALIAN ______ 36 DD _____ GFE _____ UP ALL NIGHT ______ NEW PICS_______ - 18
⭐️🌟⭐️🌟⭐️ —————— •••• ► ► ( *Hot Blonde* )___ E.x.T.r.A N.a.U.g.H.t.Y —————— •••• ► ► DELICIOUS 🌟 - 23
(All Area Outcall Incall Bellevue, Bellevue, Seattle)
(¯`'+ ** I __ AM ** + '´¯)(¯`'+ ABSOLUTELY + '´¯)(¯`.¸+ INCREDIBLE+ '´¯) * *C@LL __ RIGHT __ NOW - 21
(Seattle, Seatac incalls)
How *AbOut SoMethIng A liTtLe HoTteR for BreakFast LuNcH oR diNner today incall till 4pm - 22
(Seattle, Seatac incalls & outcalls)
______ HOT ITALIAN ______ 36 DD _____ GFE ______ SPECIALS ______ NEW PICS_______ - 18
I aM THE BEST...beautiful Latina sparkling green eyes.... - 22
(Seattle, outcalls and incall seatac desmoines)
I ____ mAY ______ lOOK _____ iNNOCENT _____ bUT____iM ____vERY ____ nAUGHTY ! ! (KENt) - 21
(kent incalls/OUTCALLS)
****HOT,SEXY&Wanting; You!!***** - 35
(Auburn Kent Federal Way Tacoma Puyallup, City of Seattle, Seattle)
___HOt SPECiAlS !! 24/7 --- OUtStANdiNG SkiLLS x----- •x•SMOkiNG HOt EbONy GODDESS - 20
(Seattle, North --Shoreline,Northgate,Greenwood)
HOT/ S.E..X.Y.--- Latina---Mami --2 Girls Available - 22
(Seattle, Seattle/Kent/Eastside Areas Outcalls)
🍒🍒🍒Hot👌Ready~🌸Petty💕 Caucasian Girl👗👠Sensual -💄💋Beautiful Body - 21
(Bellevue, In: Bellevue Out: Your Place, Seattle)
HOT♡ ♥💕💕 ♡T H E ♡ ♥💕💕 ♡ B E S T ♡ 💕💕♥ ♡ OUTCALLS♡💕💕 ♥ ♡ EXOTIC ♡💕💕 ♥ ♡ C A L L ♡ ♥ ♡ N O W - 24
(Seattle, outcalls)
______ HOT ITALIAN ______ 36 DD _____ GFE ______ SPECIALS ______ NEW PICS_______ - 18
👑💋👑💋 - - - - - - Hot New SeXy Brunette In Town - - - - - - - 💋👑💋👑💋 - 22
(North Seattle shoreline Lynwood, Seattle, Shoreline)
______ HOT ITALIAN ______ 36 DD _____ _____ BLONDE HOTTIE ______ BRAND NEW PICS _______ - 19
▐▐ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▐▐_ HOT _ ▐▐ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▐▐_BLONDE_▐▐ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▐▐_PETITE_▐▐ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▐▐ - 22
*¨¨* HoLiDaY *¨¨* SPECIALS *¨¨* SEXY BRUNETTE * $12O SPECIALS*¨¨* - 25
(Seattle, N. Seattle Incalls /Outcalls Everywhere)
______ HOT ITALIAN ______ 36 DD _____ GFE _____ BLONDE HOTTIE ______ BRAND NEW PICS _______ - 19
Heyyyy boys! What ya gunna do with this dessert?! - 20
(Bellevue, City of Seattle, Everett, Kirkland, Lynnwood, Seattle, Shoreline)
(Seattle, Outcalls Seattle Kirkland Bellevue Etc)
💋💋💋💋💋💋💋H0T BL0NDE READY for some FUN💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 - 27
(Bellevue, Everett, Kirkland, Seattle, Shoreline, Tukwila)
HoT 100 SPeCiaLs ~♛~ HO††€$† —————€XO†iC _____ ASiaN _____ —————BA®BI€ ~♛~ OUtCALLS! - 23
(Seattle, OUTCALLS: 2O6.651.1443)
***Hi My Name is PENELOPE wHEN yOur DOne yours AlwaYS gONNA wANNA be nEXT 2 ME - 24
(Seattle, Seattle, North Seattle, Renton, Kent)
💜Happy Easter💛 Special 💜 💜Total Knockout💛💜Beautiful , Sexy & Naughty 💜💛1000%me💜 - 25
(City of Seattle, Renton, Seatac and outcalls, Seattle, Tukwila)
♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥... HAVE IT YOUR WAY ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥... SNOW Day SPECIALS ALL DAY♥▃▅▆██▆▅ - 22 - 22
(Seattle, TAcoma Lakewood Incalls)
~°~Guess Who's N KENT With A Face & Door $85 Specials $85 Ask About My Treat!!!! 253-266-0449 ~°~° - 99
(Seattle, Kent Renton Tukwila Surroundin Area)
***HI Name IS PENELOPE, wHEN your DONE me yours always GonnA WanNA bE NExt 2 ME
(Seattle, Seatle,North Seattle,Renton, Kent)
"Great Deal' Safe in call or can come to you 50q 60hh 110h New to the page"Great deal" - 19
💋💋💋💋H0T BL0NDE SATISFACTION guaranteed💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 - 27
(Bellevue, City of Seattle, Everett, Renton, Seattle, Shoreline, Tukwila)
Good morning, sexy guys!!! Can I come and play??? Just a call away!!!! 1(425)435-8262 - 30
(Seattle, Outcalls)
GINGER LOVES OUTCALLS TO DT SEATTLE!- Curvy Tan All American MILF- 34G Boobs-Prostate Massage and TOYS - 40
(Belltown/Seattle/Outcall add $25, City of Seattle, Seattle)
________ ~❀~_G E N T L E M E N S _#1_ C H O I C E_~❀~ ________ Perfect Blonde!!! - 21
(Seattle, federal way PRIVATE INCALL and outcalls)
Great Service Up 24/7 Amazing Skills Awesome Body CALL For Appt Now Waiting on U:)100SP - 20
(Seattle, Outcalls! all Over 24/7 Descret)
Gourgeous Exotic PERSIAN ask about my GUARNTEE Satifaction - 24
(Seattle, Seattle/Incall and Outcall)
Gorgeous, Ebony, Model! ❤️Erotic Massage💋 Downtown Seattle, booty lovers dream! CC accepted - 25
(City of Seattle, Private Seattle incall and beyond, Seattle)
_*GiRL NeXT DooR * __PeTiTe ___ *WeLL ReVieWeD* ___ *FReCkLeS* __ *BLoNdE* __ *GrEeN EyEs * - 21
(lynnwood in//out)
*~* FuLL-FiGuReD BeAuTy ~ In/OuT/TuBs ~ BuSTy BRuNeTTe ~ AvAiLaBLe SPeCiALs 24/7 ~ CLiCK HeRe *~* - 22
(In/Renton - Tubs/FedWay - Out/2You)
Great Special wit UNBEATABLES RATES.. Miss KeKe Minja..... - 24
(Seattle, seatac AND south seattle area)
▂ ▃ ▆ • _G_E_n_T_ L_e _ M_e_N_s_ # ❶ 💋 _ C__h__O__i__ C__ e_ • ▆ ▃ ▂ - 23
(Seattle, olympia/seattle areas)
* ~ * FuLL-FiGuReD BuSTy BrUNeTTe BeAuTy * HoLd OnTo My LoVe HaNdLeS * ReAL PiCs & 38DD's * ~ * - 22
(Seattle, Fed Way-Hot Tubs * O/C's Everywhere)
is the conversation of . . . Let me show U - REVIEWED - 38 DD - SPECIALS - 30 min 99 hugs - 44
Gorgeous Ebony Sexy Body Great Service Enjoy a Awesome Time:) Call Me to make Appt Waiting:) on u - 20
(Seattle, Outcall 24/7 Descret)
***Gorgeous African College Beauty,Cute Face, Nice Size Waist, 23 open 24/7 out calls only *** - 23
Good girl by day freak by night OutCalls All Night~Call Me. - 18
(Seattle, Burien - Incall & outcall all areas.)
{{ German and Irish Stallion }} Outcall Specials to All Locations!! {{ Best in the Northwest }} - 21
(Seattle Outcalls and surrounding areas)
Full Body Erotic Massage💋 Private Incall Downtown Seattle. Fetish Friendly - 26
(City of Seattle, Private incall downtown , near you, Seattle)