Sun 05 Jan
Top Notch Gorgeous Busty Blonde Available For In or Out Calls - 38
(Seattle, Tukwila/Sea Tac Burien)
👑LeT Me TReaT YoU LiKe a KiNg LaTe NigHT ULTiMaTe PLeasuRe PRoViDeR👑 - 24
(Tacoma, 206👑578👑6283 IN&OUT; CALLS)
👑🎀♡ELITE Godess Purity Lynn ♡ Verified & Highly Reviewed ♡ Avaluable 5o Travel TO You !♡🎀👑 - 19
(City of Seattle, Federal Way, Seattle)
Memorial Day SpeciAL * 55 * Call 206.788.7120 Right Now Booking Fast - 24
(Seattle, kent Incall ((100)) SPECIAL)
hot classy girl next door ready 2 play **special** - 25
(Seattle, Seatac/airport in/ and out to all areas)
Visiting 👀H¥pNoTiC E¥ES 👀🍑BigBooty🍑 ₮🇮🇬H₮ Juice B0x👌DiV€ IntO My €nDZon€! Specials!! - 21
(Seattle, Tukwila)
Sat 04 Jan
The Best of The Best- Gorgeous Busty Blonde Available For In and Out Calls - 34
(Seattle, Tukwila/Sea Tac)
****Morning Delight Exotic Mami ready to fulfill your fantasy**** - 22
(Seattle, Seattle/Kent/Eastside Areas)
~~~ Great SPECIALS with a truly Special Provider!! ~~~ Well reviewed n waiting for YOU!! ~~~ - 22
(Tukwila Incalls and Outcalls)
*➰💋➰* Gorgoues Blonde Playmate *➰💋➰* - 26
(All areas, Bellevue, City of Seattle, Kirkland, Renton, Seattle, Shoreline)
Dark Chocolate... Ms. JASMINE * Passion * * For * Pleasure** {$$$ SPECIAL's} - 28
(Seattle, Kent/Desmoines/SeaTac/Auburn)
❤️❤️ Beautiful BiG. NiPPLe$. 💋 💋 .$$. EbonY PlaY TimE. $. $$$🌹 - 26
($eattle Outcall All Areas, City of Seattle, Seattle)
---> I Can Do It Better ..... Come Try Me...80 - 23
(Sea Tac, private Federal Way in- call location)
2 GirL SpEciAL * PiCk & ChOoSe ((100)) WOW!! * VeRy STacKed W/ PhAt AZz to MatCh - 25
(Kent, Renton, Seattle, Kirkland,)
#1 ★ UpSCaLE HiGh ClaSs CoMpaNiOnsHiP ☆ ●○◆◇|| BOARDING FIRST C£ FIGHTS ||●○◆◆ Best Pick CLICK ♥ - 21
(Seattle, your place 206 934 9271)
** X x X ** X x X ** e X x X o T i C * BuSTy * B L o N D e ** X x X ** X x X ** - 23
°•★©•° (= Y o U r _ L a T e_ N ! T e_ A d d i C t i O N =) °•★©•° (= A f T e R _ H o U r S_ =) - 23
(Seattle, Outcall Specials 1OO)
Last Night In Seattle. $70 Incall Special In Seatac. Reviewed On TNA. - 27
(Seattle, Seatac Incall- Outcall avail)
~~~ WAKE UP~💦💥🌟🌞🌝☀☀☀FELLA'S~ Enjoy some CoFFee☕☕☕ With Your 🍩🍩🍩DoughNuts. I'm the CoffeE💜 - 24
(Seattle, incall sea. my apartment OUT everywhr4-7)
Why Fly Coach When First Class Is Available With A Gorgeous Busty Blonde - 34
(Tukwila/Near Airport)
*ThrusDaY MorNiNg S p E c I a L * 1 Time OnLy .... you DONT wanna Miss This ... from the BEST ~ ! ~ - 19
(IN/OUT 253*653*9114)
◇● S€xy Exotic Mixed ◇● PETITE MODEL★ { UpSCaLE CoMpaNiOnsHiP }☆ [[ 1000% REAL CLICK! ]]★☆ 5 STAR ☆★ - 21
(Seattle, your place 206 934 9271)
**(( SeXy iTAliAN HoTTiE ))**(( WeLL REviWeD ))**(( YoUr NewesT TeMpTAtiOn ))**((THicK && BuSTy ))** - 21
(Everett, MLT IN 90HH-130HR/OUTCALLS 100HH-150HR)
Exotic Latin Model Is Ready For You And Your Desires ** 206-371-3514 ** - 19
(incall in Tukwilla. outcalls available.)
[][][][] CAUTION!! ExXxtremely Tempting Material Inside!! CAUTION!! [][][][] - 21
(Tukwila Incalls/Outcalls)
Alexis the SEDUCING QuEeN of LOVE waiting for you...-30 min. $100 incall special - 18
(Seattle, Seattle, Renton, Everett, Bellevue)
* 5 ★ HoTTiE ___________ (( 1000% REAL Or IT's FREE )) __________ 5★ HoTTiE - 21
(Seattle, Anywhere you are .. SEATAC INCALL)
100% Japanese Asian Beauty ~ Incall & Outcall ~ Bellevue ~ Seattle & All Surrounding ~ 100 Special ~ - 27
(Seattle, Seattle Bellevue Everett & Surrounding)
Fri 03 Jan
Saturday Specials With A Top Notch Experienced Busty Blonde - 38
(Seattle, Tukwila/Sea Tac/Kent/Renton/Bellevue)
°•★©•° (= Y o U r _ L a T e_ N ! T e_ A d d i C t i O N =) °•★©•° (= 420 Friendly=Lets PaRtY★ - 23
(Seattle, Outcalls $1OO)
*~*sUpEr SpEciALs * * * CuRvAcEoUs FReAk * * * ReaL PiX * 38DD * * * I'm BaCK *~* - 20
Ms. Jasmine * Passion * * For * Pleasure* with CHOCOLATE {$$$ SPECIAL's} - 28
(Seattle, Kent/Desmoines/SeaTac/Auburn)
Gorgeous Busty Blonde Running Presidents Day Specials - 38
(Seattle, Tukwila/Sea Tac/Kent/Renton/Bellevue)
Dont cheat yourself Treat yourself with some Ginger $$$$60 incall special $$$$$ - 29
(Seattle, federal way, wa)
Divine Spectacular? I can do it in 3mins of your time!! OUTCALL - 26
(Seattle, Seattle/Tacoma/Olympia/Surrounding areas)
*° AvAiL aBlE °* *° RiGhT °**° NoW° SPECIALS - 22
--------- ----------- ! TOP CHOICE ! -------- ---------- *sexy* --------*JENNA* incall / outcall - 20
[ Just Arrived ]==== Great Rates ==== 100% Real ==== Blonde SUPER SEXY==== - 21
Its my bday!! Get off work, then get off with me!! Mature, sexy, red hair!! - 40
(Seattle, Downtown Bellevue)
BEsT::)"'! HoliDay/;;:%-. Special \/-( TrEaT YouRself ExotIc BarBie - 25
°•★©•° (= Y o U r _ L a T e_ N ! T e_ A d d i C t i O N =) °•★©•° (= A f T e R _ H o U r S_ =) - 23
(Seattle, Outcall Specials 1OO)
(**)(**) Think YOU can tame the Amazon?? (**) Well reviewed, erotic companion! (**)(**) - 21
(Tukwila Inc/Outcalls available)
❤ ❤ Massage W/"Surprise❤ ❤ by: Beautiful Puerto Rican ❤ ❤36DD❤ ❤ 24/7 - 26
(Seattle, seattle and all surrounding areas in/out)
~Memorial Weekend Special! Ur Sexy Freak Ur Italian Treat! Let Me Satisfy Ur Pleasures, GARENTEED!~ - 23
(Your Place/Seatac/Tukwila)
{[ EXOTIC Beauty }] A lil and alil nice. Lady in the street, but a freak in the bed! - 23
(Seattle and all surrounding areas.)
75 ** 75 ** Before 1pm! Inclusive - Independent - Home or Office - 28
(OUTCALLS Seattle and Surrounding)
Make Over $2,000/week LEGALLY/SAFE & NO Physical Contact: #1 Webcam Site START TODAY & GET PAID!!! - 38
(Seattle, Nationwide - Work From Home - START NOW!)
Thu 02 Jan