Sun 05 Jan
👑uLTiMaTe PLeaSuRe PRoViDeR LaST NigHT iNToWN HuRRy b4 iM GoNe - 24
(Tacoma, 206👑578👑6283 IN&OUT; CALLS)
Top Notch Gorgeous Busty Blonde Available For In or Out Calls - 38
(Seattle, Tukwila/Sea Tac Burien)
♥♥♥♥! The SEXY ChoColate treat you SHOULD meet ♥♥I'm ❣ Alw@ys ❤ On ❣ My ❤ N@ughtiest ❣ Beh@vior!$ ❤ - 25
(Seattle, Seattle,seatac & all Surrounding areas)
👑LeT Me TReaT YoU LiKe a KiNg LaTe NigHT ULTiMaTe PLeasuRe PRoViDeR👑 - 24
(Tacoma, 206👑578👑6283 IN&OUT; CALLS)
👑🎀♡ELITE Godess Purity Lynn ♡ Verified & Highly Reviewed ♡ Avaluable 5o Travel TO You !♡🎀👑 - 19
(City of Seattle, Federal Way, Seattle)
♥♥♥♥ The SEXY ChoColate treat you SHOULD meet ♥♥I'm ❣ Alw@ys ❤ On ❣ My ❤ N@ughtiest ❣ Beh@vior!$ ❤ - 25
(Seattle, seattle,& all Surrounding areas)
~*~*~*~*Tall, sweet, sexy, and discreet!!!! Goddess Anja is just for you!!!!*~*~*~*~ - 21
(Seattle & all surrounding areas)
STOP and check out my new pictues....Its never to LATE 253 250 3903 - 44
(Seattle, Lynnwood and to you quick everett)
❤S▓E▓X▓Y▓ ❤ ▓S▓T▓A▓C▓K▓E▓D▓ ❤ ▓B▓E▓A▓U▓T▓Y▓❤ - 34
(Seattle, Bellevue/Renton & All Surrounding Areas)
Memorial Day SpeciAL * 55 * Call 206.788.7120 Right Now Booking Fast - 24
(Seattle, kent Incall ((100)) SPECIAL)
Looks so Precious, Tastes so Sweet..... Come and see me, you'll be in for a treat!!!
(Seattle, seattle,& all Surrounding areas)
)))*((( MiSS AuBrEy Is BaCk & BeTTer Then Ever )))*((( SiMpLy THE BEST in THE NORTHWEST )))*((( - 23
(Seattle, Kent/All Surrounding Areas)
Lets GO to My BED Bath & BEYOND YoUr Pleasure To My Passion 100$ Outcalls All Night - 22
(Seattle, seatac incall,& all Surrounding areas)
%%%###***^^^~~~ CHocoLaTe****** ADvEnTuRe'S++++ Me&yoU;* **MoRniNG Bliss***** - 21
(in and out bellevue)
100% Japanese Asian Beauty ~ Incall / Outcall ~ North Seattle & Surrounding Area~ 100 Special ~ - 27
(Seattle, Seattle & ALL Surrounding)
Visiting 👀H¥pNoTiC E¥ES 👀🍑BigBooty🍑 ₮🇮🇬H₮ Juice B0x👌DiV€ IntO My €nDZon€! Specials!! - 21
(Seattle, Tukwila)
Sat 04 Jan
💜✿✿✿✿ 💚 34DD 💙 ✿✿✿✿💛 College ❤✿✿✿✿💟 Asian 💖✿✿✿✿💜 Nuru 💜✿✿✿✿💛 100% 💙✿✿✿✿💚 Real ❤✿✿✿✿💜Pics - 21
(City of Seattle, Federal way /Auburn all surrounding, Seattle)
!! WARNING !! Wanted Escort For 10,000 Award !! WARNING!! - 27
(Seattle, Tukwila & All Surrounding Areas)
The Best of The Best- Gorgeous Busty Blonde Available For In and Out Calls - 34
(Seattle, Tukwila/Sea Tac)
Sweet Dreams are Made of THIS sweet chocolate wont want to miss 24/7 in & out - 25
(Seattle, Seattle,seatac & all Surrounding areas)
Sweet Dreams are Made of THIS sweet chocolate wont want to miss 24/7 in & out - 25
(Seattle, seatac incall,& all Surrounding areas)
-:¦:-• IT * LOOKS* GOOD *BUT* FEELS* EVEN* BETTER •-:¦:-• ♛ AvAiLaBlE Now - 25
(Seattle, seattle & all Surrounding areas)
Japanese GORGEOUS Asian~**~ Incall Bellevue ~ Outcall Seattle & All Surrounding *100 Special * - 27
(Seattle, Seattle/Bellevue/ all surrounding areas)
Dark Chocolate... Ms. JASMINE * Passion * * For * Pleasure** {$$$ SPECIAL's} - 28
(Seattle, Kent/Desmoines/SeaTac/Auburn)
❤️❤️ Beautiful BiG. NiPPLe$. 💋 💋 .$$. EbonY PlaY TimE. $. $$$🌹 - 26
($eattle Outcall All Areas, City of Seattle, Seattle)
2 GirL SpEciAL * PiCk & ChOoSe ((100)) WOW!! * VeRy STacKed W/ PhAt AZz to MatCh - 25
(Kent, Renton, Seattle, Kirkland,)
#1 ★ UpSCaLE HiGh ClaSs CoMpaNiOnsHiP ☆ ●○◆◇|| BOARDING FIRST C£ FIGHTS ||●○◆◆ Best Pick CLICK ♥ - 21
(Seattle, your place 206 934 9271)
** X x X ** X x X ** e X x X o T i C * BuSTy * B L o N D e ** X x X ** X x X ** - 23
Lets GO to My BED Bath & BEYOND YoUr Pleasure & My Passion 120$ hour Outcalls All Night friday - 25
(Seattle, seattle,& all Surrounding areas)
Last Night In Seattle. $70 Incall Special In Seatac. Reviewed On TNA. - 27
(Seattle, Seatac Incall- Outcall avail)
Why Fly Coach When First Class Is Available With A Gorgeous Busty Blonde - 34
(Tukwila/Near Airport)
♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ THE ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ PERFECT ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ PACKAGE♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ -DEALS -24/7 it never to late - 23
(Seattle, seattle & all Surrounding areas)
°★©° ((=THiCK=)) °o©° ((=SeXi=)) °★©° ((=Brunette=)) °o©$120 Outcalls - 24
(N. Seattle Incall/Outcalls Everywhere)
◇● S€xy Exotic Mixed ◇● PETITE MODEL★ { UpSCaLE CoMpaNiOnsHiP }☆ [[ 1000% REAL CLICK! ]]★☆ 5 STAR ☆★ - 21
(Seattle, your place 206 934 9271)
*-..-*My Pa$siOnAte Ki$$eS *:~:* N@uGhTy `or` NiCe .*-. -*.ExPLoRe Me *~and my.* SpE@ci@LS~24/7 - 25
(Seattle, seattle,& all Surrounding areas)
❤️❤️❤️My place or yours❤️❤️❤️ Leave you satisfied - 21
(Seattle, Incall in Renton oc all surrounding)
======= × E X Ø T I C × ======= × A L L - N A T U R A L × ======= × B € A U T Y× ======= - 34
(Seattle, Seattle/Tukwila & All Surrounding Areas)
DONT Be Like SANTA and Only COME once A Year.....Can I guide your sleigh 2night In & AND Out 24/7 - 25
(Seattle, Seattle,seatac & all Surrounding areas)
{B.B.W} *KINKIE Kaylee* !!!!!!!Fetish Friendly + Body Rubs!!!!!!!!!! - 27
(Seattle, Seattle, Washington)
Alexis the SEDUCING QuEeN of LOVE waiting for you...-30 min. $100 incall special - 18
(Seattle, Seattle, Renton, Everett, Bellevue)
* 5 ★ HoTTiE ___________ (( 1000% REAL Or IT's FREE )) __________ 5★ HoTTiE - 21
(Seattle, Anywhere you are .. SEATAC INCALL)
100% Japanese Asian Beauty ~ Incall & Outcall ~ Bellevue ~ Seattle & All Surrounding ~ 100 Special ~ - 27
(Seattle, Seattle Bellevue Everett & Surrounding)
Fri 03 Jan
Saturday Specials With A Top Notch Experienced Busty Blonde - 38
(Seattle, Tukwila/Sea Tac/Kent/Renton/Bellevue)
☎ The EARLY BIRD gets the WORM &.The LUCKY MAN gets TO ME In & outcalls 24/7 Sweet JuCiY BOMBSHELL - 25
(Seattle, seatac & all Surrounding areas)
Sweet SUNDAY'S are Made of THIS sweet chocolate wont want to miss 24/7 in & out - 25
(Seattle, seattle,& all Surrounding areas)
¡Super Specials!🌺 E x o t i c 🌺 T a l e n t e d 💋 & 💎 E x t r e m e l y ❤ A d d i c t i v e ❤ - 21
(Seattle, all Surrounding areas)
*~*sUpEr SpEciALs * * * CuRvAcEoUs FReAk * * * ReaL PiX * 38DD * * * I'm BaCK *~* - 20
Sweet Dreams are Made of THIS sweet chocolate wont want to miss 24/7 in & out - 25
(Seattle, seattle,& all Surrounding areas)
Ms. Jasmine * Passion * * For * Pleasure* with CHOCOLATE {$$$ SPECIAL's} - 28
(Seattle, Kent/Desmoines/SeaTac/Auburn)
Japanese GORGEOUS Asian~**~ Outcall Seattle Bellevue & All Surrounding *100 Special * - 27
(Seattle, Seattle/Bellevue/ all surrounding areas)
-:¦:-• IT * LOOKS* GOOD *BUT* FEELS* EVEN* BETTER •-:¦:-• ♛ AvAiLaBlE Now 100 - 25
(Seattle, seattle & all Surrounding areas)
Gorgeous Busty Blonde Running Presidents Day Specials - 38
(Seattle, Tukwila/Sea Tac/Kent/Renton/Bellevue)
Divine Spectacular? I can do it in 3mins of your time!! OUTCALL - 26
(Seattle, Seattle/Tacoma/Olympia/Surrounding areas)
🍊🎀🍊 Come See the Best 🍊🎀🍊 ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ 🎀🎀° EXØTiC PreTTy & PetiTe💦👄 [[1OO%ЯEÁL]] 👅💦👄 $W££T - 19
(City of Seattle, I5 Kent-Des Moines all Surrounding areas, Seattle)
100% Japanese Asian Beauty ~ Incall / Outcall ~ Bellevue Seattle ~ HOLIDAY Special ~ - 27
(Seattle, Seattle Bellevue & Surrounding)
100% Japanese Beauty~**~ Incall/Outcall North Seattle & All Areas surrounding *Holiday Special* - 27
(Seattle, Seattle all surrounding areas)
--------- ----------- ! TOP CHOICE ! -------- ---------- *sexy* --------*JENNA* incall / outcall - 20