Sun 26 Jan
*~*__ Y__O__U __R __*~*__S __E__X__ X__Y__*~* __L__I__T__ T__L__E__ *~*__ S__E__C __R__E__T __*~* - - 24
(Seattle, KENT INCALL OFF167 OUTCALL 24/7)
(¯`xXx´¯) »*°§ _ K_ i_ L _ L _§ *° B Y O N D °*M A S U R » (¯`xXx´¯) - 18
♥ 💎📞💎€xotic S€X Kitten ♥ 💎📞💎BiG Round Booty♥ $99 SpeCial💎 - 27
(Seattle, Kent Incall 🏡OUTCALL ALL OVER)
Whats Your Fantasy?? Its Going To Be Much Better Than That! SEXY CURVES! - 18
(SeaTac Incall/Outcall)
Wenesday Specials Tiffany Seattle Incall Petite Ebony Sweetie With Booty 80Hh 130 H 24/7 !!! - 21
(Seattle, All Areas !)
West Seattle Washington I'm back for a limited of time.. Come slap my big ass booty - 24
(Seattle, Tacoma, West Seattle, burien, tukwilla)
wednesday afternoon specials with holly berry! - 26
(North Seattle, Tacoma not in seattle but im mobile)
WaRNiNG!! GRaPHiC MaTeRiaL:: VieWeR DiSCReTioN iS aDViSeD!! - 27
(Seattle, Lynwood In/Out ( 152842 Reviews))
✊👊💦 Wēح WذLD & RعaDy - ✨PuRع N٢mPh٥✨- 🍌 Leح Mع TaKع Yoû To the NexT LeveL!! 💨. 🌟206-582-7912🌟 - 25
(Bellevue, City of Seattle, Renton, Seattle, Seattle Tukwila SeaTac Renton)
*~*__ Y__O__U __R __*~*__S __E__X__ X__Y__*~* __L__I__T__ T__L__E__ *~*__ S__E__C __R__E__T __*~* - 26
(Seattle, federal way/so. king county)
_ Y O U R ___ D R E A M __ G I R L- happy birthday 2 me.... .... .. - 21
(issaquah outcalls.)
Y O U R # 1 C H O I CE :¦:S T O P & T A K E A:¦:LO O K :¦:(( TREAT YOURSELF )) - 21
(Seattle, OUT 2 YoU! AnYWheRe)
Y_O__U__R_ :: __U__L__T __I__M__A__T __E__::_ (((EROTIC))):: E X P E R I E N CE {LaTe 100$ Lynnwood - 19
WoW.CLICK HERE for my ULTIMATE 100 hr SPEC. 100% ME or it's FREE Free FREE.. . NEW PICS - 23
★(¯`'•*. WhERes my KING at**** ReAdy to please ~LOLA~ all SmIlEs> ★(¯`'•.¸ ☆¸.•'´¯) ★ - 25
(Seattle, Kent)
—————————— WAY 2 HOT ---------——— PACIFIC ASIAN ——Ready & Willing ——————— Truly Truly Sexy - 23
(Seattle, in/outcall)
WEDNESDAY ★• Hot * Busty Blond Ready To Play!!! woohoo •★• ~ Erotic Companion ★ - 23
(Seattle, Private Incall or Downtown hotel Outcall)
welcome gentleman come take a trip to paradise with a beautiful classy woman satisfaction guaranted - 18
(Seattle, Federal Way InCalls)
Wanna have some private fun? Katanas private In Call Spcls. 60:15-80:30 100HR - 19
(Seattle, West Seattle)
(¯`'•.¸ ¸.•'´¯) _€_X_Â_C_†_L_ ¥;_W_H_Â_† ° _U_ ;• Ñ_€_ €_а (¯`'•.¸ ¸.•' 100% real pics - 21
(Seattle, Federal way incall&outcalls; all over)
***who ever said big is bad, hasnt met my luscious curves***Devine BBW's*** - 26
(Seattle, Shoreline)
Were YOU looking 4 ME? Smooth as buTTer & swEEt as honey! Melt all over... - 26
(Seattle, near seattle area;in/out)
Well Experienced Ebony Amazing Skills Great service:-) Call to make Appt!! Try me 4 Yourself:-) - 20
(Everett, Outcall 24/7 Everett to Seattle)
★°°• WHaTeVeR • iT °•reQuIReS __ I'LL •DEliVeR °°• yOUr DeSIres •°°•★ PeTitE AnD JuiCY •°°•★ - 22
(Seattle, By downtown incall/outcall)
{{{ W*E¤E*K¤E*N¤D }}} S-P_E-C_I-A_L, wanna see the tricks i can do with my 2 T-O-N-G-U-E R*I*N*G*S - 27
(Seattle, Tukwila and surrounding areas)
W A R N I N G__E X T R E M E L Y _h♥. ®ny & easily_ E X C I T E D__proceed with__C A U T I O N - 26
VISITING ♥ Taste SO Sweet, Let Me Be UR Treat ♥ 5 Star Service, WELL REVIEWED! - 23
(Seattle, S. EVERETT IC)
💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣VIP hottie💣💣💣 out late & eager to please💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣 - 23
(Bellevue, City of Seattle, Everett, Kirkland, Outcalls, Seattle, Tacoma)
ven y deja que mis manos te consientan con un rico masaje completo! Disponible ahora - 37
(Federal way, Seattle, Tukwila)
🚺🚺✨💟✨🚺🚺 USE Me With Your ❤BANANA❤ 🚺🚺✨💟✨🚺🚺 Make YOU LIKE A FOUNTAIN 💟✨💟 Let Me Ride Until BLASTOFF💟✨💟 - 24
(Bellevue, City of Seattle, Kirkland, Seattle, 💦🍎💦🍎🐳🍎💦microsoft)
♛ ♥ U.P.S.C.A.L.E ★ ♛C.L.a.S.S.y ♛ ♥ E.r.O.T.i.C ★ ♛P_L_A_Y_M_A_T_E ♛ - 23
(Seattle, SEATAC INCALL 24/7)
×°x°× _ PURE : ♥ : SWeeTNeSS _×°x°× ____ HiGHLY ADDiCTiVE __¨¨* * ((OUTCALLS ONLY)) - 23
(Seattle, Outcalls everywhere)
WOW! LOOK NO FURTHER! **Irresstible, sey, petite, blonde!** 100% real pics.... WAITING 4 U! ;) - 24
(Seattle, seattle incall)
Want some private fun? Katanas private 2girl In/out Call Spcls. 60:15-80:30 100HR (outcalls +25) - 21
(Seattle, West Seattle area in/out calls)
VIP Blonde Naughty Freakin Hotty & Critical Bill ( Knows What You Want)
We GoT Azz & BoOb''s ** ULtiMatE PaCkaGe ** ViSiTiNg TAC * 2 Girl SPL O/C Only!! CLicK Here - 21
(Out Calls Tac, LakeWd, University ETC.)
*_ Want* _ To* _See* _A* _Young* _Sexy* _Women?* _Give* _Me* _A* _Call* - 19
(Seattle & All Surrounding Areas Outcalls)
Wanna play with me ? Im up all night ; ) with something you cant resist. - 20
(Seattle, Seatac, kent, renton, burien)
------- ------- ------- --- --------VIP Treatment! →→ Asian Mia ------ ---------- --- - 23
VISITING ______ _____________ __________ ____________ __________ _______Alyssa Morgan♥ - 23
(Olympia, Website: alyssamorgan .escort-site .com)
*αvαiℓabℓε ➜➋➍/➆▓ ▒ *❤•* L✪ ✪K *•.❤* ▒PERSIAN AMERICAN★ •❤ BoMbSheLL ❤▒▓•♥• ABSOLUTELY - 24
(North Seattle)
VALENTINES packages starting at $75... OVERNIGHT rates NOW ... cuz I love YOU - 23
(Seattle, Bellevue,Kent,Renton,Federal Way,Seatac)
Upscale exotic vixen 💋💅💄 36Cs sexy body 💦🙌 your REAL trip to paradise 🌴💨 only 1 📞📱 away. XOXO - 22
(Seattle, Renton/Southcenter OUTCALL)
: *¨¨*-:¦:-*~ ★ wOw ★ ~*-:¦:-*¨¨* Ultimate EXOTIC Fantasy *¨¨*SEXY SLIM & BUSTY - 20
Wonderful college Busty student visitting Specials!!! (206)790-7122 Outcalls check me out!! - 23
(Seattle, outcalls only)
White "GERMANDY" Chocolate NEW in town. Call for Specials !!!!!!! - 30
(Seattle, Seattle, Washington)
*WANT TO PLAY* **24/7 24/7 24/7 24/7 24/7 ** (206)797-3316* Haley In & out calls $ 100 special - 24
(Seattle, Downtown Seattle and surrounding areas)
♥♥♥ €v€r¥tHiNg ¥oU'r€ lOoKiNg 4 Is RiGhT H€R€. ♥♥♥ 🍀 Lucky #80 Special 🍀 ♥♥♥ - 26
(Seattle, North Seattle)