Sat 04 Jan
T H E 1OO$ U LT I M A TE F AN TA S Y ! - - 18
(Seattle, shoreline INCALLS ONLY)
~~~ Great SPECIALS with a truly Special Provider!! ~~~ Well reviewed n waiting for YOU!! ~~~ - 22
(Tukwila Incalls and Outcalls)
( *At your Door In Minutes* ) ___DDD's_CURVY & SEXY___ (*100 Special*) - 29
(Seattle, OUTCALLS ANYWHERE......)
💢 At your DOOR in minutes! 💢 DDD's CURVY&SEXY.; (*100 $pecial*) - 29
(City of Seattle, Seattle, seattle surr outcall)
: *° AvAiL ABlE°**° Ri GHT °**° N OW°* - 18
(Seattle, shoreline INCALLS ONLY)
100 -:¦:- {{SUPER}} -:¦:- SeDuCTiVE -:¦:- SeXy -:¦:- FaNTaSTiC -:¦:- {{ASiAN}} -:¦:- FuN 100 - 22
(::::YoUr PLaCe or MiNe::::)
((100)) :*: SeXy :*: ((ExoTiC)) :*: ASiAn :*: BeautY :*: ((RaRe)) :*: SeXy :*: ((100)) - 22
NEW from SEA town•:*SEXY*:• : *:•.♥ •:AnD¨¨*:•: ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS :•:* - 24
(Tri-Cities, WA, incall Kennewick)
Must SEE $uper Busty Pretty Face ☺ XCLusiVE §_K_i_L_L_s ☺ 100 Specials! - 29
(Seattle, ....OUTCALL ANYWHERE...)
**(( SeXy iTAliAN HoTTiE ))**(( WeLL REviWeD ))**(( YoUr NewesT TeMpTAtiOn ))**((THicK && BuSTy ))** - 21
(Everett, MLT IN 90HH-130HR/OUTCALLS 100HH-150HR)
Morning specials•:*SEXY*:• : *:•.♥ •:AnD¨¨*:•: ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS:× specials•:*213-570-4078 - 24
(Seattle, incall downtown Seattle, outcalls)
★ GORGEOUS ★ ————— ————— EXOTIC BABE ————— ★ $100 SPECIALS!! ★ - 18
(Seattle, North shoreline INCALLS ONLY)
Fri 03 Jan
NEWCASTLE incall Bellevue right now! 200/hr must be clean fit and good looking ... are you? - 27
(Seattle, newcastle, renton bellevue)
*~*sUpEr SpEciALs * * * CuRvAcEoUs FReAk * * * ReaL PiX * 38DD * * * I'm BaCK *~* - 20
"come get the best body rub and healing" 60$ outcall special - 24
(Seattle, everett to tacoma outcalls provided)
( *At your Door In Minutes* ) ___DDD's_CURVY & SEXY___ (*100 Special*) - 28
(Seattle, Outcalls Anywhere)
°*° *° AvAiL ABlE°**° RiGhT °**° N0W °*° 100 SPECIALS! - 18
(Seattle, Shoreline INCALLS ONLY)
★【KiLLєR CuRvEs】★【niCє bѺѺb's】★【cUτє FαCє】★【spaNKaBℓε αSS】★I'm REAL - 23
(Seattle, outcalls everywhere 100 Special!!!!)
( *At your Door In Minutes* ) ___DDD's_CURVY & SEXY___ (*100 Special*) - 29
(Seattle, OUTCALLS ANYWHERE......)
___LAtE NiGht SPECiALS !! 24/7 --- OUtStANdiNG SkiLLS x----- •x•SMOkiNG HOT MiX3D EbONy GODDESS - 20
(Seattle, North --Shoreline,Northgate,Greenwood)
☆ºCiNCO De MaYo FiESTA SpeCiaL º☆( BoGo Tag Team Duo! ) __ ~ (★ LiMiTeD TiMe ToDaY OnLy ★) = IC $1●● - 22
(Seattle, Kent IC, OC Local)
Thu 02 Jan
*[} CLAsSY *{} INNoCENCE *{} KiNKY *{} PETiTE *{} MIXED *{} HOTTie*{} NAuGHTY *{} - 18
° ° 2 Girls° °★° ° For ° °★° ° Price Of One ° °★° °100 SpEcIaL -21 - 19
(Seattle, Kent/Renton/Sectac/Tukwila)