Sun 26 Jan
💦💋👙Want a FREAK? Independent, Sexy, Real, Slippery, I'm ready NOW!👙💋💦 - 24
(Private in call Kent, Seattle)
▃ ▅ ▆ █ ★ *WOW* ★———★ *VERY * ★ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ღ (¯`v´¯) ღ INCREDiBLE HoT BLoNDE BaRBiE ღ (¯`v´¯) ღ $80 - 22
(Seattle, KENT INCALLS 24/7 ONLY)
×°x°× NEW PiCS ×°x°× 1OO% REAL ×°x°× InCaLL ToNiTe ×°x°× 8O SPECiALs ×°x°× - 20
Well Experienced Ebony Amazing Skills Great service:-) Call to make Appt!! Try me 4 Yourself:-) - 20
(Everett, Outcall 24/7 Everett to Seattle)
WeLL ReVieWeD!! THiS HoT CLaSSy BaBe iS eaGeR To PLeaSe & aNyTHiNG BuT a TeaSe! - 22
(Seattle, IC/OC Kent Auburn Renton SeaTac Fed Way)
...Visiting!... *PeTiTe* {{ AMATEUR PORN☆ }} ♥ ToTaL NyMPHO ---***WeLL ReViEwEd***--- - 23
(KENT incalls)
☑☑ 🆕 UpScale🆕🆒 SouthCenter 🆕🆕🆒 🍒🍒☑☑ ☑☑☑100 till. 4 🍒🍒 hot babe New New New 🌼🌼🌼🍒🍒🍒🍒 - 22
(Seattle, Southcenter)
💓Ur #1 👄 TiNY🍦SweeT SpiNNeR ↔ 4 ⤵ALL 🤑ThinGs⤴🍦KinKy↔ U MUST C ME ✔ 90.MiN 💋SPECIAL 🍦NoW !💓 - 24
(City of Seattle, Kent incall 24/7, Seattle)
_♥_ V i S i T i N G= ( ( BUSTy ) ) =_♥ _= E_X_O_T_I_C = ( ( CURVy ) ) C_U_T_i_E ♥ - 20
(Kent Incalls/Outcalls Everywhere!)
✫ *•-:¦:-•* »--(¯`v´¯)-» C E R T i F i E D *2* S A T i S F Y »--(¯`v´¯)-» *•-:¦:-•* - 21
(Seattle, Seatac incalls)
WOW! LOOK NO FURTHER! **Irresstible, sey, petite, blonde!** 100% real pics.... WAITING 4 U! ;) - 24
(Seattle, seattle incall)
WKND XCSTASY ❤ xTr m § K i L L § & AlWayS * {*THR*} 2 *PlaS ❤ - 23
((* V¡S¡T¡NG *)) _________* N€W *_________* BLOND€ *__________* DUOS *____________ ((* SeaTaC *)) - 20
(Seattle, seatac kent renton federal way auburn)
*ViSiTiNg* ( ★SiMPLy AMAZiNG ★) *1OO% ETHOPIAN & FiLiPiNA* ==> 8oSPECiALS! MuSt SeE! - 21
(Seattle, incall Kent Des Moines)
VIP Blonde Naughty Freakin Hotty & Critical Bill ( Knows What You Want)
↘Wíℓ∂ & kínKվ↙❤↘ Supεr Frεαkվ ↙❤↘Juícվ ßσσtվ↙❤↘Upscαlε ßεαutվ↙❤↘ Thick & Sℓíppεrվ ↙ ♡ (425)905-9251 - 28
(Everett, Everett,LynnWood, Edmonds shoreline, Renton, Seattle, Shoreline)
Wanna play with me ? Im up all night ; ) with something you cant resist. - 20
(Seattle, Seatac, kent, renton, burien)
vErY oPeN MiNdEd ALL AmEriCaN BLonDe BoMbShELL WaNtS To PLaY!!! - 33
VALENTINES packages starting at $75... OVERNIGHT rates NOW ... cuz I love YOU - 23
(Seattle, Bellevue,Kent,Renton,Federal Way,Seatac)
upscale, sexy, tight, loving and YOUNG // slim but thick, long legs // come play!!!! - 23
Why would YOU wan ANY1 else!!! No 1 else compairs!! Talent beyond belief!! up all nite - 24
(Seattle, Belleuve/redmond incall)
Volumptious, Sexy, Busty, Brunette Waiting 4 you......100 Special - 23
(Seattle, Seatac, Kent, Federal Way In-Calls)
Voluptuous, Sexy, Busty, Brunette Waiting 4 you...... - 23
(Seattle, Kent/Auburn/Federal way/Renton)
VISITING Seattle area for a few weeks....Be PAMPERED By a Mature PASSIONATE Woman - 53
(Seattle, INCALL Seatac/DesMoines/OUTCALL)
🎥📹Video📹🎥Sexy Excotic Asian Goddess with skills that will drive you wild leave you with a smile - 19
(Seattle, Renton Tukwila Kent Sea Tac)
VIP Luxury Companion My Sexy Asain Beauty Young Hot Winnie June 14th last day - 23
(Seattle, DT Bellevue)
Visiting 💋▃▅▆██▆ 100 SPECIAL💎gorgeous CLASSY▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ COSTCO SIZE Booty💋 ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ BLONDE ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ - 25
(Seattle, seatac upscale)
(((((( Well Reviewed Exotic Vixen Ready to Play !!!!! ))))) - 23
(Seattle and All Surrounding Areas)
🌟(( ViDeO PRooF ))🌟💎🌟INCALL SPL (70) 🌟(( Your Girl next door))🌟 BLONDE BARBIE 🌟💎 - 21
(Seattle, SEATAC IncaLL)
!!!!Valentines day Special!!! ... Sexy Promise...80hr special!!!! - 27
(Federal Way, in-calls in federal way and kent)
upscale💅💇nonRUSHED☑ CLASSy&YOUNG; Outcall ONLY - 23
(Bellevue, Burien, City of Seattle, Kirkland, Olympia, Renton, Seattle, Shoreline, Tacoma, Tukwila, tukwilla and surrounding cities)
==( UpLaTe }== S *U*P*E*R =={ S.E.X.X.Y }== E*R*O*T*I*C =={ G*E*T*A*W*A*Y }== - 29
[[ Up late to PLEASE you ALL night & morning!! ]] ASIAN ____80 special!!_____ FILIPINA FREAK! - 22
(Seattle, Outcalls everywhere, just ask)
WELL REVIEWED. Ultimate girl next door. Come indulge into goodies! - 23
(Bellevue, Bellevue-Seattle-Kirkland, City of Seattle, Kirkland, Seattle)
▓☆° ☆° ❤WEST C0ASTS FiNEST•° 💎* ❤.•*#1 HiGHEST R@TED + AD0RED❤ AVAiLABLE 24/7 C@LL N0W°☆ °☆▓ - 21
(Seattle, Kent Safe Private iNcall&&'Outcall)
WeEkEnd ** sPecIaL*** Sexy !! Horny !! Young! ! Fun!! AND REaDY TO PLeASE!! - 21
We GoT Azz & BoOb''s ** ULtiMatE PaCkaGe ** Seattle Areas * 2 Girl SPL!! ((100)) CLicK Here - 21
(Sea, Bellevue, Kent, Renton, Tuk, Fed)
(Seattle, Kent-Des Moines)
_♥_ V i S i T i N G= ( ( BUSTy ) ) =_♥ _= E_X_O_T_I_C = ( ( CURVy ) ) C_U_T_i_E ♥ - 20
(Kent Incalls/Outcalls Everywhere!)
--(¯`v´¯)-» S Ù P € R • H ô T T • Ü P § C ä L € • B L õ N Ð E »--(¯`v´¯)-» - 21
(Seattle, Kirkland incall)
UpScALe🆕✨ 👅 Touch ME UNTIL I SCREAM HoT,✨ Supple,✨ Seduction💋OUTCALLS ONLY - 21
(City of Seattle, SeaTac,Downtown,Renton,Kent,Bellevue, Seattle)
*Upscale Bombshell* Cute & Classy. Everything you need is right here!! - 22
(Seattle, Seattle near Southcenter/Kent incall)
Visiting Today Only ! Come get Lucky with a Petite Beauty full Satisfaction is available Now! - 21
(Seattle, near SeaTac)
ViXen💞Sensual spECiaLs↙ ☎AvAiLAbLE N♡W☎•❣• ♥ ♡ ⇦♡💦👄 Outcalls !!! specials - 24
(Bellevue, Kent Bellevue downtown Renton Everett, Seattle)
Up Late!l100$♥JÂW CL€NCH¡NG •♥• TÕ€ curl¡NG •♥• LiL Freak•♥• §P€€CHL€§§ €xP€R¡€NC€! •♥ - - 26
(Seattle, Bellevue/Renton/kent in/oc all areas)
Voluptuous Brunette Bombshell, NEW PHOTOS!! Ready and Waiting just for you♥ - 24
(Seattle, kent incall, fedway-seattle Outcall)
*Voluptuous Vixen* Call Now4 Incall Specials* 206~473~7664 - 26
(Seattle, SEA/Seatac/Tukwila/Renton/Kent AREAS)
☎* U - CaN ----- COUNT ----- oN - Me *** fOr **** aN -- UnForGetTabLe - eXperiance ☎* - 18
(Seattle, Bellevue/Redmond In... Out considered)
Tukwilla/Seatac AREA INCALL special W//Alisha 150/fh 100/ NOW well reviewed and highly recomended!!! - 23
(Seattle, Tukwilla/Seatac area incall)
True Latina beauty w/ greenish gold eyes_ late night specials - 22
(Seattle, desmoines seatac incall/outcalls)
👉 💎VeRy AddicTing. Mixed Beauty💎 🎀 Οη℮ Οf a ΚιηD 🎀 💋cαℓℓ mε ησω ➜➋➍/➆ - 22
(Burien, City of Seattle, Kent, WA, Renton, Seattle, Tukwila)
»-(¯`v ´¯)-»*_SUPER SEXY »-(¯` v´¯)-»* NEW BRUNETTE CUTIE»-(¯`v ´¯)-» CALL NOW» LOOKIN 4 REGULARS - 24
♛ U.P.S.C.A.L.E ♛ C.L.A.S.S.Y ♛ S_E_X_X_Y ♛ L_A_T_i _N_A ♛ - 19
(Seattle, kent incall /federalway, auburn)
Up Late Night..Thick & curvy Freak. .Big Booty. Specials100 - 26
(Seattle, Bellevue/Renton/kent ic/oc all areas)
[[ Up late to PLEASE you ALL night & morning!! ]] ASIAN ____80 special!!_____ FILIPINA VIXEN - 22
(Seattle, Outcalls everywhere)
🌟♛ÜPֆCAℓ£⇧♛🌟 ⇨➋➍/➆ ((★100% Sexy ASS Petite Treat ★)) •H℮R℮ ➋ βℓΟω γΟυr Μιηd - 21
(City of Seattle, Dt Seattle , N Seattle , Kent, Seattle)
** ULtiMatE PaCkaGe ** WEEKLY DUO SPL!! ((80)) CLicK Here!! - 25
(Kent, Tukwilla, Bellvue, Kirkland)
U N F O R G E T A B L E ღ DUO till 11am{Early Morning SpECiAlS} - 22
(Seattle, Kent Incall)
True REDH3AD Vixon •/Satisfaction Guaranted\• Available All Night¤¤¤¤¤ - 19
(Seattle, InCall ; NorthGate // North Seattle)