Fri 03 Jan
(( *SPeCIaLS * )) *Early fun (( *KiLLeR BoDy!* )) (( *REAL PICS* )) (( *SAFE & DiSCREET* )) - 20
(Seattle, Bellevue Incall Outcalls Everywhere)
💘💦💘Stacey💎Lace💘💦💘 Morning Specials 💕💘💦 In KIRKLAND💘💦💘 HERE FOR LIMITED 🕙ONLY - 27
(Bellevue, Private Kirkland Incall(💳CCs Welcome), Seattle)
SiMpLy InToXiCaTiNg! *¨¨*-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P __ & _ T__a__K__e _ A _ L__o_O_k. *¨¨*-:¦:- - 24
SEXY FOXXY Eastern European Beauty 40DBUSTY - OUTCALLS ONLY -To your PLace all NW ****New Pics - 30
✨▄▀▄▀▄▀✨👠✨▀▄▀▄▀ SEXY PARTY GIRL NEXT DOOR! (HOT 36D NURSE COSPLAY) ▄▀▄▀▄✨👠✨ ▄▀▄▀100% REAL PICTURES!▀▄▀▄✨👠✨ ▄▀▄▀ - 19
(Seattle, REDMOND, BELLEVUE Across Microsoft 148)
Mz Thickness ! New to town ! 60 special all night ! Juicy Jess at your service ! - 25
(Sea Tac, Seatac)
~°•MiXeD bEaUtY ReAdY wHeN YoU aRe AvAiLaBlE aLl NiGhT OuTcAlL SPeCiAlS•°~ - 25
(Seattle, OuTcAlLs EvErYwHeRe)
Mixed Mexican And Asian Cutie🌟 💞 Available Now ☆ 🌹 💛 💋 - 21
(City of Seattle, Federalway/kent, Seattle)
••☆•• Making ••☆•• Your ••☆•• Fantasy ••☆•• Come ••☆•• True! ••☆•• - 20
(Seattle, Outcall Available)
My BEAVER is hungry, Does anyone have any wood for my hungry BEAVER. Incall - 40
(Bellevue, BELLEVUE, Woodinville, Bothell, Redmond, Seattle)
MIRACLE ASHLEY ****visiting from miami****** Something betweeen a DREAM & MIRACLE
(Seattle, Downtown Seattle(outcalls only))
___~ ✘~ ✘~ ✘~ __M O U T H W A T E R I N G__ ~ ✘~ ✘~ ✘~ ___ - 26
(BOTHELL ~IN) Seattle/Everett+Surrounding)
Make tonight AMAZING with this GORGEOUS redhead~!! - 28
(Seattle, Sea-Tac, Tukwila, Renton, Kent, Your Car)
Make tonite TERRIFIC with this warm, sweet lil' BLONDE TREAT! - 33
(Seattle, Seattle, SeaTac, Shoreline)
LoVeLY LoLA! ❤❤ Lets have some FUN tonight im SUPER sweet &sexy; &always; available - 20
(Seattle, Sea-Tac)
MoNDaY NiGhT MaDNeSs ♥★ LeT mE TaKe YoU tO ViCtORy ♥★ OuTCaLLs eVeRyWHeRe aVaiLaBLe 24/7 - 23
Monday time to recover from the weekend let me help - 60 hug INcall SPECIAL - 38 DD NATURALLY !!!!! - 48
(Seattle, Kent area IN/OUT call avail Ez fwy acces)
My CLoTHeS WouLD L00K AmAz!nG 0N your FL00R ____ 100HR ____ H!GHLy SK!LLeD & Willing! - 22
(Seattle, seattle, Tukwila incalls & outcalls)
(¯`'._ M!§§ ღ P®¥ ღ _.'´¯)Xotic Mix - 24
(Seattle, Bellevue IN/OC surrounding areas)
**My* Business Is* Your* Pleasure** Want to ride an Be Spanked all night - 23
(North Seattle, All county's surroundn king)
M E D - S T U D E N T . . . . . W I T H -- F R E A K Y -- F R I E N D S - 24
(Seattle, sea-tac incall - -outcall everywhere)
~.~ MouThWatErinG ExoTic GodDesS ~ I'm ALL YouRs ~ UPSCALE TruE *5* BeaUty ~ ReAdy NOW ~.~ - 21
👑👑 Ms. Addictive 💙💙🔹🔷 🔷🔹Highly 🔥 ☑️ Requested 💯💔Upscale👑 🅿️layMate - 20
(City of Seattle, Kent Incalls / Outcalls Available, Seattle)
My CLoTHeS WouLD L00K AmAz!nG 0N your FL00R ____ 100HR SP ____ H!GHLy SK!LLeD & Willing! - 24
(Seattle, Seattle, Seatac incalls & All outcalls)
Lilly Irish&German; your new Friend, Let's bring the sun; Apple bottom in/outcalls - 30
(Bellevue, Everett, Right off the exit Everett WA/willtravel, Seattle, Shoreline)
🎉🎊 LONG WEEK¿? The Best In The PNW¡! Exotic, ,FUN, Open 🎈👄🚗 I Drive - 21
(Seattle, SeaTac/Outcall everywhere)
L(O)(O)K-:¦:- H(O)T BL(O)NDE-:¦:- SWEETHEART -AvAiLaBLe All NiGhT! B_B_W - 19
MORNING SPECIAL√ Big titties√ Sexy√ playful&fun;√ N@ughty & Nice u will want to see me twice! - 42
(Seattle, FEDERAL WAY - Incalls)
Lets play the evening away - Relaxtion SpECiAl 50 Huggz - 38 DD - Fluent in FrEnCh !!!!!! - 48
(Seattle, Sea Tac In/Out Call Available)
Last night!!! 50 special dont miss out★• _T_H_E •☆• _F_U_N_ •★• S_T_A_R_T S •☆• H_E_R_E •★ - - 25 - 25
(Sea Tac, seatac)
[LAST...CHANCE !] •❤• [ BLONDE ] •❤• [ GORGEOUS ] •❤• [ 100% REAL&CLASSY; ] •❤• [ AVAILABLE NOW ] - 24
(Seattle, OUTCALL ONLY ×CC's accepted×)
- let me rock your world ___ ⚪⚪⚪⚪ 80hr special LAST DAY IN TWN ◻◻◻◻ ____ Downtown Seattle - 23
💕🐼♥LEAVING TOMORROW IN AM💕🐼♥Private Kirkland In/Out♥🐼CURVY EXOTIC QUEEN💕♥Available Now💕♥ - 27
(Bellevue, Private IC/Outcall Avail💕😚CCs Accepted, Seattle)
Let Me Give You The Pleasure Of True SATISFACTION!!!! ***AVAILABLE NOW!!*** - 26
Leaving SEATTLE today 01|31 at 8AM ♡ Don't Miss Out on the BEST ♡ 100$ Incall $pecial - 21
(Seattle, SEATTLE ((INCALL ONLY Near Space Needle))
Leaving Town Tonight 💕 Gεn†lemεn's Cho¡cε 💛 Top-Rα†εd 💋 uℓtiℳαtε ρℓαγmαtε 💋 ➓╚» SexY 🅱londe❥ - 22
(Bellevue, I - 90, Seattle)
........ Let's CUDDLE/PLAY @YOUR PLACE (((((( (( 2hours/250 SPECIAL )) )))))) - 27
.......leTs gEt SauCeY.. SatUrDaY! $100 SPEC... taste the sweetest berry ! - 26
(Seattle, tukwila incall)
Lets have indoor recess SUPER SPECIAL 30 min 90 hugs - 38 DD NATURALLY !!!!! - 44
(Auburn In/Outcall Available)
Lets GO to My BED Bath & BEYOND YoUr Pleasure & My Passion 100$in & 120 out All Night - 25
(Seattle, seatac incall,& all Surrounding areas)
Lets play your stress away - Relaxtion SpECiAl 50 Huggz - 38 DD - My phone is fixed now SORRY !!!!!! - 48
(Seattle, Sea Tac In/Out Call Available)
❤❤ Let's have some fun!❤❤ Beautiful FILIPINO ASIAN available now! ❤❤ $80 special - 22
(Seattle, I'll come to you)
KiSS My LiPs & SqUeeZe My HiPs * FuLL-FiGuReD VixXeN BaCk In FeD WaY * HoT TuB SeSSiOnS AvAiLaBLe - 22
(Fed Way - Tubs & I/C** O/C - Everywhere)
ßLÂCK [[PÂN¡§]] ßLÂCK [[HL§]] ´¯` ♥ * ©ØM § HØW §Øft[[NÂWY]] ßLÂCK Girls fL 100hr - 23
(Seattle, Seatac incalls & outcalls)
♥Late night thur specials! ♥Let me come spice up your night with this hot petite Italian cutie - 27
(Seattle, Renton, Seatac, downtown... all over)
Let me jingle your Bells 🎁🎄🎉🔔 HIGHLY REVIWED MOST RECOMMENDED ❄❄❄ - 18
(Bellevue, One Call Away, Seattle)
LAST DAY !!★▀▄❤Puerto Rican ❤ Hawaiian Mixx ▄▀▄❤ Sweet❤& SEXY ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤HOTTIE❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ - 23
(Seattle, Kent Seatac Renton incall)
ßLÂCK [[PÂN¡§]] ßLÂCK [[HL§]] ´¯` ♥ * ©ØM § HØW §Øft[[NÂWY]] ßLÂCK Girls fL 100$ - 24
(Seattle, Seatac incalls & All outcalls)
LEGACY ✔ €XTR€M€L¥ ADDiCTiVE 👑🍌banana $pecial💋 💯 Watch my Video ☆ CALL NOW! - 24
(Bellevue, City of Seattle, Everett, INCALL AVAILABLE DOWNTOWN SEATTLE, Seattle)
KING COUNTY - Sit Back & Hold The Remote... While I *FILL* My Th_¤@T!! ·~· $150 OUTCALL Specials - 99
(Seattle, Seattle Kent Bellevue Renton Areas)
Lady In The Street..Whatever U Want In The Sheets..Lets Late Night Creep +++SPECIALS +++ 38 DD !!!! - 48
(Seattle, Kent area IN/OUT call avail Ez fwy acces)
Let me make your Friday FABULOUS! Sweet, Petite, BLONDE -treat! - 33
(Seattle, Seattle / Eastside / Your Car)
L_E_T_ °o;o° _M_E_ °o;o° _T_A_K_E _ °o;o° _Y_O_U_R_ °o;o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o;o° _A_W_A_Y! - 25
LAST NIGHT IN TUKWILA (( ( ( Stunning Strawberry Blond Available NOW - 26
(Seattle, Incall Tukwila Outcall to All Areas)
___LAtE NiGht SPECiALS !! 24/7 --- OUtStANdiNG SkiLLS x----- •x•SMOkiNG HOT MiX3D EbONy GODDESS - 20
(Seattle, North --Shoreline,Northgate,Greenwood)
:¦:L O O K :¦: :YOU'RE: :GONNA: :¦:LOVE:¦: :ME :¦: :¦: - 21
**Incall special** AvaILabE NOW! Must See!! **CoMe RElaX** - 24
(Seattle, seatac and surrounding areas)
*#*#* If u dont already know.. u should find out wat Sexii LIL Tiffanys all about! *#*#* - 24
💋HiGhLy AddiCtiNg💋 BesT👅EVER‼️ Come👣 SpaNk my💦😻 In📞 Out🚗 Available🆘👈 - 21
(Seattle, Seattle Tukwila SeaTac burien federalw, Tukwila)