Tue 07 Jan
Watch out Smokin Hottie Submissive Fun 24/7 Outcalls only - 22
(s seattle&surrounding; areas outcalls)
~__U__N__ L__O__C __K __~__ M__Y__~ __G__O __O__D__I__ E__'S__~ __N__ O__W__~__ - 23
(Seattle, sea tac incall outcalls all areas)
☎ The EARLY BIRD gets the WORM & The LUCKY MAN gets TO ME In & outcalls 24/7 Sweet JuCiY BOMBSHELL - 25
(Seattle, seattle,& all Surrounding areas)
*♥*° thick&sexy; MiSS PAiGE °*♥*° Available N0W & all NIGHT $PEC!@L$ °*♥*° - 19
(Seattle, I come to you *ANYWHERE*)
☎ The EARLY BIRD gets the WORM &.The LUCKY MAN gets TO ME 100$ In & outcalls Sweet Ebony BOMBSHELL - 25
(Seattle, Seattle,seatac & all Surrounding areas)
☎ The EARLY BIRD gets the WORM &.The LUCKY MAN gets TO ME 100$ In & outcalls Sweet Ebony BOMBSHELL - 25
(Seattle, seatac incall,& all Surrounding areas)
***** specials ***** H_ O_ T ** N_ E_ W ** B_ R_ U_ N_ E_ T_ T_ E ***** specials ***** - 24
Looking For Company? Why Not JanieCaress? Pick Me For A Sure Thing Sweet Time - 26
(Seattle, West Seattle Or Yours?)
MiSs JayLa's READY to PLeAsE YOU ** BLonDe HoTTie WhO's VeRy StaCkEd ** NaTurAL F's 60 SPL - 25
(Kent Incall/Any where 2 U)
Lets GO to My BED Bath & BEYOND YoUr Pleasure TO My Passion Incalls & Outcalls All Night - 25
(Seattle, seattle,bellevue & all Surrounding areas)
L~ {♥}~ {♥}~K N~{♥} M ~ {♥} ~ R ~ E! .. NEW TO twn - 22
Lets GO to My BED Bath & BEYOND YoUr Pleasure to My Passion 100$ Outcalls All Night - 25
(Seattle, Seattle,seatac & all Surrounding areas)
Late Night Delight Lexi Is Ready 4 U! Let Me Satisfy Ur Desires! & Ready 4 U! - 23
(Your Place/Seatac/Tukwila)
Let*** Me *** Be ***Your*** Labor Day or Night Fun !!!!!!!! - 21
(Seattle, seattle Outcall ready all areas.......)
!!.* eXcLuSiVe eXoTiC PriNCeSS *.!! "Up EaRLy WedNesDaY MoRNiNg!!!" (( Available NoW )) - 20
(Seattle, Sea-Tac - Incall - Outcall All Areas)
★EverY BoY's WiSh ★EverY HuSbAnD's SeCReT ★EverY MaN's FaNt@sY★ - 22
(Seattle, BELLEVUE! & ALL Surr. ArEaS! CALL NOW!!!)
[[ChYnA]] ——•X•——❤ ❤ Ebony/Asian Model ❤ Kent Incall ❤——•X•—— [[ChYnA]] ☎: ( 206) 422-7682 ☎ - 21
(Seattle, ❤KENT INCALL/OUTCALL to all areas❤)
Before u go any farther make a stop and see what u could've missed - 20
(Seattle, Seatac, kent, fed way. All areas in out)
❶——— ★ BLONDE —— {100 HH ALL NIGHT } ——HOTTIE ★ ——— ❶ - 25
(City of Seattle, OUTCALL SPECIAL ALL NIGHT - ALL Areas, Seattle)
*** Be AuTiFuL *** ((YoUnG)) *** PLaYm aTe *** - 22
AVAILABLE NOW! * specials* tall pretty, slim & sexy ~*o*o~ UP ALL NIGHT! no rush* independent* - 26
(Seattle, travel/in~call specials all night)
COME B.U.S.T your N.U.T On my T.I.T.S or A$$ Call EVERYDAy 9am till 2am
(SOUTH TACOMA *everyday 9am till 3am)
100 Special *Visiting Blonde Hair Blue Eyed Beauty* Thick and Sexy** - 23
(Seattle, SeaTac In and OUT To EveryWhere)
~★ *•♛100$* ♛• ★ I'm Ready 2 play♛ KELLY The "Pipe Drainer"~★ *•♛•* - 24/7 Come see my pretty . - 25
(Seattle, Seattle,seatac & all Surrounding areas)
Mon 06 Jan
★ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ S *e X *x Y _ C *u R *v Y _ B *Lo *n D *E * ••••► - 30
(Seattle, Outcall all areas All Night 😊)
Why Fly Coach When First Class Is Available And Ready For Take Off - 37
(Seattle, Tuwila/Sea Tac Area.)
🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺 Women Only 🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺 Male Escort! 🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺💘💞💞💞💞 - 24
(All Areas 🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺💞💞, Bellevue, Burien, City of Seattle, Kirkland, Renton, Seattle, Shoreline, Tukwila)
Sweet Dreams are Made of THIS sweet chocolate Kiss...you wont want to miss 24/7 in & out - 25
(Seattle, seattle,& all Surrounding areas)
☎ The EARLY BIRD gets the WORM &.The LUCKY MAN gets TO ME 100$ In & outcalls Sweet Ebony BOMBSHELL - 25
(Seattle, seatac & all Surrounding areas)
◇● S€xy Exotic Mixed ◇● Petite Model { UpSCaLE CoMpaNiOnsHiP } [[ 1000% REAL CLICK! ]] ★☆ 5 STAR ☆★ - 21
(Seattle, your place 206 934 9271)
💕👍 Succulent B😜😜Bies 👈 Juicy BOoty 👈 1OO Special 👍 💕 - 27
(Seattle, Outcall all over -Hotel friendly !)
Kim,Buffy and Pinky{{{Have nothing on the Black and Brazilian Goddess}}} ++60 special incall++ - 25
(Seattle, All Areas)
*~*InCaLL SpEciALs * * * CuRvAcEoUs FReAk * * * ReaL PiX * 38DD * * * I'm BaCK *~* - 19
Independent Vixen , AbSoLuTE BeauTy beyond my demeanor , come get exposed to a new sensation - 18
(Seattle, Burien - Incall & outcall all areas.)
Happy Thanksgiving Sexy! I have an AMAZING way to work your Turkey Dinner!! - 31
(Seattle, All Seattle Areas Your Place Only)
*¤* GeT Ur EaStEr DeLiGhT WiTh Ur SwEeT PeTiTe ItALiAn TrEat! BeSt in ToWn*¤* - 23
(Your Place/Seatac)
****GentlemeN-* Come*Get*pamper d*Pettite*sPiNN er*SeXXy***Vixe n*+* - 23
(Seattle, in-outcalls everywhere 24-7)
HAVE it Your way & CoMe HuNgRy LeAvE HaPpY 100$ incall 120$outcall till 6pm treat yourself - 25
(Seattle, seattle,bellevue & all Surrounding areas)
Good Morning lets have Some Fun today Boys!! (Inn&outcalls; 2!!!) - 22
(SeattleBellevue&Surrounding; Areas)
☆° ❤ FLiGHT TO ✈ (¯` °SATiSFACTiON° ´¯) ✈ [NEW] BOARDiNG NOW! - 23
Come n play with a classy sexy sweetheart/ *specials 24/7 - 25
(Seattle, Seatac airport in/ and out to all areas)
Come See Whats Inside NEW YEARS Specials Hh 90 Specials ,140 H Specials End Ur Search - 21
(Seattle, All Areas !)
► 120 HOUR SPECIAL! ____*TONIGHT ONLY!!* ____ *BUSTY* ____ 120 outcaLL Special - 24
((((( (( $120 Outcall)) ((( ___ sMoKin' *HoT* BrUnEttE __ )) ))) (( $120 Outcall )) ))))) - 24
(seattle and surrounding cities)
💟 💙 1OO% Rεaℓ CUrVy BoDy↱ 💝❤ 【GORGEOUS 💘Bⓤⓢⓣⓨ 💞 💙 💋FETISH Friendly 🎊🎉 - 25
(City of Seattle, Northgate incall and outcall, Seattle)
** 100 DOLL@r SPECI@l w/ DIAMOND ** Sexy Ebony Girl All Natural 36dd Breast ** - 24
(Seattle, Sea-Tac Incall / Outcall all areas)
☞100% REAL & AVAiLABLE N0W ♦ HaNdS D0WN •• THe BeST •• EbOnY CuTiE!☜ - 21
(Seattle, ❤Incall/Outcall Special's to all areas❤)
100 Special*Visiting Blonde Hair Blue Eyed Beauty* Thick and Sexy* - 23
(Seattle, SeaTac In and OUT)
$3000 a week looking for Escorts for VIP Referral Agency!!! let us help you! Need Girls 18-40 - 32
Female Models! Excited about Doing Adult Video? Industry Professional Has Immediate Work in Seattle - 40
(Bellingham, Everett, Seattle, Tacoma)
YOU'LL ___ L VE ____ my __WILD ____SIDE!!!!! U N 4 G E mT A B L E -•: *¨•☆*99$ Touchdown - 22
(Seattle, OutcallS To All Areas/Bellevue Incalls)
*)(* Visiting Down south boys!!! Inc/Out Available!! Check THIS OUT!!! *)(* - 22
(Fed Way Incalls/Outcalls)
****Very SEXY Red Head Waiting To Make Your Dreams Come True****110% REAL photos**** - 21
(Seattle & All Surrounding Areas Outcalls)
☀ =K¡Nk¥ =XOT¡C =B¡G BOØ¥ =BAUT¥ (( $79 SPC¡ÅL§ )) ☀ - 25
(Seattle, Outcall All Areas/hotel friendly)
-:¦:-• IT * LOOKS* GOOD *BUT* FEELS* EVEN* BETTER •-:¦:-• ♛ AvAiLaBlE NoW - 24/7 - 25
(Seattle, seattle & all Surrounding areas)
✋➡️➡️ Blonde Goddess 💕💕 ((VISITING LIMITED TIME)) 💕💕 Ready 2 Play! ⬅️⬅️✋ - 23
(Seattle, FEDERAL WAY IC, Outcalls Everywhere)
** (( BuStY bLoNde bOmBsHeLL )) ** **(( 36 DD ))** ** (( 100$ iNCaLl SpECiaL))** - 19
•*☆( _ ★ __ =€xOTiC SuPeR SeXy= __ ★CaRaMeL KiSSeD €y€ CaNdY☆ ™ )°•°•*☆ - 24
(Seattle, kent.renton In&Out; 2 all areas auburn)
The Ultimate Mature Woman Experience from a sexy, PASSIONATE 50+ woman - 56
(Tacoma, Fife IN/OUT to all areas incl. airport)
Sweet Dreams are Made of THIS sweet chocolate Kiss...you wont want to miss 24/7 in & out - 25
(Seattle, seattle,& all Surrounding areas)
💋💕Ms.LoLa BuGaTTi ELiTe CoMpaNioNsHiP PRoVideR HigHLy ReVieWeD!💋💕 - 24
(Tacoma, 206👑578👑6283 IN&OUT; CALLS)
Hot Young Blasian Fired Up ! 150$ Special Come And Play (; - 23
(Seattle, seatac/seattle and all surrounding areas)
****GentlemeN-* KinKySpecials** *****Petite#### Beautiful****** U-will-Love-it* - 23
(Seattle, incall dwntwn sea..... out everywhere)
▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃❤¨*❇ DARK AND LOVELY ❇*¨❤▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆ Sweet Like HoNeY!! - 25
(Seattle, Seattle,seatac & all Surrounding areas)
Weekend Specials Tiff Petite Ebony Sweetie With Booty End Your Search With Me 80Hh 130 H 24/7 !!! - 21
(Seattle, All Areas !)
☎ The EARLY BIRD gets the WORM &.The LUCKY MAN gets TO ME Sweet JuCiY BOMBSHELL 24/7 - 25
(Seattle, Seattle,seatac & all Surrounding areas)
♥♥♥♥ The SEXY ChoColate treat you SHOULD meet ♥♥I'm ❣ Alw@ys ❤ On ❣ My ❤ N@ughtiest ❣ Beh@vior!$ ❤ - 25
(Seattle, seattle,& all Surrounding areas)
🍧🍧. TemPtinG. Ta$tY & Curious...# YoU WanT. To PlaY - 26
(City of Seattle, Seattle, Seattle Outcalls All Areas 24/7)